Nop Skrevet 8. mars 2019 Skrevet 8. mars 2019 Hello everybody, I hope you will forgive me that I write in English in this forum. Although I cannot read Norwegian, I have used google translate to read some topics on this forum. I am trying to plan the whole Nordkalottruta / Nordkalottleden trail (800km), but there are almost no sources in English to plan the trip well. This seems like a place where there are people who know about this area/trail. Is there anyone here who has experience with this trail, and who might be able to help me plan it? Thanks already for reading! Google translate: Hei alle sammen, Jeg håper du vil tilgi meg at jeg skriver på engelsk i dette forumet. Selv om jeg ikke kan lese norsk, har jeg brukt google translate til å lese noen emner på dette forumet. Jeg prøver å planlegge hele Nordkalottruta / Nordkalottleden sti (800km), men det er nesten ingen kilder på engelsk for å planlegge turen godt. Dette virker som et sted hvor det er folk som vet om dette området / stien. Er det noen her som har erfaring med denne stien, og hvem kan kanskje hjelpe meg med å planlegge det? Takk allerede for å lese! Siter
Jan Erik Hansen Skrevet 8. mars 2019 Skrevet 8. mars 2019 English is no problem, so just ask and there will be people who can answer your questions. I've hiked most of the trail a few times so can try to help you. It's an easy hike to plan, but not always easy to hike all parts of the trail. Best season early July to early september, depending on where you start. Which direction do you plan to hike, and where do you plan to start? 3 Siter
Nop Skrevet 8. mars 2019 Forfatter Skrevet 8. mars 2019 (endret) Thanks Jan Erik, I plan to start south in Sulitjelma, because of three reasons. First, because then I will have the sun in my back, instead of in my face. Second, because I believe I will have more wind in my back, instead of my face. Third, because I am hiking alone, I will see more people when hiking south-north because most people hike north-south (which is a benefit in safety concerns). I plan to hike the trail in begin July and end somewhere in Augustus. Do you also think starting in south will have these benefits? Endret 8. mars 2019 av Nop Siter
Jan Erik Hansen Skrevet 8. mars 2019 Skrevet 8. mars 2019 I'm not sure i Would be concerned about wind or sun in July. This time of the year in the north the sun is so high in the sky that you only really get it in your eyes in the morning and evening. Wind will come from all directions, depending on the weather. With that said, starting form the south have other benefits and challenges. From Sulitjelma you might encounter some snow on the trail the first few days. The snow is normally compact and relatively easy to hike on. After Sårjåsjaure in Padjelanta in Sweden snow won't be an issue. Also, the part between Vaisaloukta-Røysvatn-Pauro can be challenging if spring come late. In july there can be a lot of water in the rivers you need to cross because of melting snow. If you are lucky summer comes early and snow won't be a problem. If you start second half of july, snow should not be a problem. The big benefit in starting from the South as I see it is that the terrain will be dryer when you get to Reisa and Finnmark. The part fo the trail west of Kautokeino can be a nightmare in early july, with a lot of water in the terrain. That means a trail that sometimes goes straight out in swamp like terrain and swarms of mosquitos. Late july and august the trail will be dry and there will be less insects. So, starting from Sulitjelma is a good plan. You will encounter best conditions if you start around the middle of july (or early july if the snow melts eraly). There's buss from Fauske/Bodø, and if you tell the driver where you're going, he will probably stop at the trailhead and point you in the right direction. 2 Siter
Anders_G Skrevet 8. mars 2019 Skrevet 8. mars 2019 Walking south-north means that you will most likely walk downhill on snow instead of uphill as the snow melts slower in the hills facing north. Walking on snow downhill is much easier than uphill. 2 Siter
Nop Skrevet 8. mars 2019 Forfatter Skrevet 8. mars 2019 Thanks Jan Erik and Anders, very useful info! It seems there are enough benefits of walking south-north then. I will try to start at Sulitjelma in mid-July so I have the best chance of favorable conditions with snow, water crossings, swamps and insects, and then try to end the trail around the end of August. Regarding the route. The only online sources I could find to get a good overview of the route, is one on Google Maps (link) and one on Alltrails (link). I am still struggling with finding the correct maps, so I can plan the route, daily distance and resupply-points. As I understand it now, there are some bits where there is no possibility of resupply for ~10 days, so I need to be able to carry at least 10 days worth of food. Do you believe the google maps map, is accurate enough to use it to plan daily distance and resupply points? And are there sources where I can find the correct places which are the resupply points (mainly for food)? Also, I am looking for psychical maps to carry with me for navigation. The only maps I could find are these (link) of Norge-serien, but these are all 1:50 000, which means I will need to carry a lot of maps (at least 11 I believe). Do people who hike the trail use these maps, or are there some 1:100 000 maps which people carry? Thanks for reading Siter
Jan Erik Hansen Skrevet 8. mars 2019 Skrevet 8. mars 2019 (endret) 19 minutter siden, Nop skrev: Regarding the route. The only online sources I could find to get a good overview of the route, is one on Google Maps (link) and one on Alltrails (link). I am still struggling with finding the correct maps, so I can plan the route, daily distance and resupply-points. As I understand it now, there are some bits where there is no possibility of resupply for ~10 days, so I need to be able to carry at least 10 days worth of food. Do you believe the google maps map, is accurate enough to use it to plan daily distance and resupply points? And are there sources where I can find the correct places which are the resupply points (mainly for food)? Regarding route and maps I wrote an itinerary before I hiked the trail in 2011. There you can find route, huts, maps etc. It's in Norwegian, and the map bit is a bit outdated (but still correct) since the series of Norwegian maps is updated. You will find the Swedish "Fjällkartan" series in 1:100 000 useful. Also, the itinerary contains distance between huts and some places for resuply/shops. My experience from the area is that the distance between huts on the leg Vaisaloukta-Røysvatnet-Pauro-Sitashytta is a bit longer than stated. I recommend the Norwegian 1:50000 series since they are light, got strong paper and cover a large area due to to print on both sides. Edit: Forgot the link: Endret 8. mars 2019 av Jan Erik Hansen 1 Siter
Nop Skrevet 9. mars 2019 Forfatter Skrevet 9. mars 2019 (endret) Thanks Jan Erik Hansen, Using google translate, I can read your itinerary and it is very useful. I am still unsure about a couple of things regarding route. Can I use the google maps map (and perhaps the AllTails map) linked in my previous post as a reliable source to plan my route? Or do you think I should buy the physical maps first, and only then I will be able to plan my route (daily distance, huts, and resupply-points)? And are the huts present on the physical maps? Are the distances on your website (for example: Sorjushytta – Sårjåsjaure: 10 km) all distances between huts, or rather waypoints? Are the maps you used from Also, you lised 13 maps, did you carry all those maps on you for the whole trail? I think I should have the route, huts, and distances clearly in visual before looking at resupply points. Thanks in advance! Endret 9. mars 2019 av Nop Siter
Jan Erik Hansen Skrevet 9. mars 2019 Skrevet 9. mars 2019 1 time siden, Nop skrev: I am still unsure about a couple of things regarding route. Can I use the google maps map (and perhaps the AllTails map) linked in my previous post as a reliable source to plan my route? Or do you think I should buy the physical maps first, and only then I will be able to plan my route (daily distance, huts, and resupply-points)? And are the huts present on the physical maps? No problem using google maps for planning. I normally use online map for rough route when planning a trip, and then paper map while out hiking. Planing each day in the evening before or in the morning before starting. Also, you can get detailed online map for Norway on (great for planing, and even printing). 1 time siden, Nop skrev: Are the distances on your website (for example: Sorjushytta – Sårjåsjaure: 10 km) all distances between huts, or rather waypoints? Are the maps you used from Also, you lised 13 maps, did you carry all those maps on you for the whole trail? I live in the area and the trail goes in my backyard. Also, I had followed part of the trail before, so I had most of the maps before the trip in 2011. Think I used both and maps to plan the trip. I did not carry all the maps, but used rougher maps on parts of the trail. Distances on the site is from planning, and notes hiking distance between huts. Note that the on the part Vaisaloukta-Røysvatnet-Pauro-Sitashytta- the distance stated on and other sources are incorrect. They seemed to be estimates from a map, rather than measured distance. Typically 10-15% shorter than if you follow the trail. Siter
Nop Skrevet 11. mars 2019 Forfatter Skrevet 11. mars 2019 Thanks Jan Erik Hansen, Because I am trying to save weight, I think having 13 maps might be too much. I think I can get the whole area in 1:100 000 maps: Calazo Sarek & Padjelanta 1:100.000 Calazo Kebnekaisefjällen 1:100.000 Fjällkarten BD1 Treriksröset 1:100.000 Turkart Bardu 1:100.000 Turkart Nordreisa 1:100.000 Or do you think for good navigation, 1:50 000 is needed? Siter
Jan Erik Hansen Skrevet 11. mars 2019 Skrevet 11. mars 2019 As long as you have the experience, and are comfortable using 1:100 000 maps, that should be enough. I normally use 1:100 000 og even 1:250 000 when hiking long distances, and 1:50 000 when fishing or of trail hiking. Siter
Nop Skrevet 13. mars 2019 Forfatter Skrevet 13. mars 2019 (endret) Thanks again. So far I have used several sources to plan the route and resupply points, including your blog Jan Erik (so thanks!). This is how I have it now: (1) Sulitjelma-Vaisaluokta (~108km), then take a boat to Ristem which has a supermarket to resupply fully. Then take (the same day?) a boat back to Vaisaluokta. (2) Vaisaluokta-Abisko (~240km), then at Abisko village which has a supermarket to resupply fully. I might stop at Sälka which has a shop (link), but I dont know if I can count on that. (3) Abisko-Kilpsijärvi (190km) then resupply at Kilpsijärvi village which has a supermarket. (4) Kilpsijärvi-Kautokeino (195km) end of the trail, I can buy normal food in Kautokeino. Does this sound about right? Endret 13. mars 2019 av Nop Siter
Kjell Iver Skrevet 13. mars 2019 Pålogget Skrevet 13. mars 2019 I'm a little curious on why you select Vaisaluokta - Abisko? I would say it should be more natural to hike from Ritsem to Abisko, when you are on that Swedish side? If you like to hike over to Norwegian side from Vaisaluokta to Røysvatn and continue north I would have hiked to Katterat station and then taken the train down to Narvik for food, and train back to Katterat, and continue the hike through the Rallar road direct north - not via Abisko. It is a true experience and gives a more beautiful and wild hike in norway. The trainticket are really cheap, swedish railroad. Some of us use the old Lommekjent website, that is good for routeplanning in Norway. Can export to GPS from it. 3 Siter
Nop Skrevet 13. mars 2019 Forfatter Skrevet 13. mars 2019 Thanks for the advice Kjell. I chose Vaisaluokta - Abisko because all the routes which I can find online go through Vaisaluokta. I made this list: Vaisaluokta Røysvatn Røysvatn Paurohytta Paurohytta Sitashytta Sitashytta Skoaddejávre Skoaddejávre Gautelis Gautelis Hukejaure Hukejaure Sälka Sälka Tjäkta Tjäkta Alesjaure Alesjaure Abiskojaure Abiskojaure Abisko But as I need to resupply, and Ritsem is the only place which has a big enough supermarket it seems, I need to go to Ristem at Vaisaluokta. But I would not know how the route from Ristem to Abisko would go. Ill try to understand what you wrote (it is quite difficult looking and understanding all these names). Would I take an entirely other route when I take your advice then the list above, or would they intersect at some point? Siter
Anders_G Skrevet 13. mars 2019 Skrevet 13. mars 2019 15 minutter siden, Kjell Iver skrev: I'm a little curious on why you select Vaisaluokta - Abisko? I would say it should be more natural to hike from Ritsem to Abisko, when you are on that Swedish side? If you like to hike over to Norwegian side from Vaisaluokta to Røysvatn and continue north I would have hiked to Katterat station and then taken the train down to Narvik for food, and train back to Katterat, and continue the hike through the Rallar road direct north - not via Abisko. It is a true experience and gives a more beautiful and wild hike in norway. The trainticket are really cheap, swedish railroad. Some of us use the old Lommekjent website, that is good for routeplanning in Norway. Can export to GPS from it. We took the train from Katterat to Narvik and back when hiking that section. We also hiked the rallar road from katterat and that was really nice. The area around Narvik is also very nice to hike. 1 Siter
Kjell Iver Skrevet 13. mars 2019 Pålogget Skrevet 13. mars 2019 3 timer siden, Nop skrev: Thanks for the advice Kjell. I chose Vaisaluokta - Abisko because all the routes which I can find online go through Vaisaluokta. I made this list: Vaisaluokta Røysvatn Røysvatn Paurohytta Paurohytta Sitashytta Sitashytta Skoaddejávre Skoaddejávre Gautelis Gautelis Hukejaure Hukejaure Sälka Sälka Tjäkta Tjäkta Alesjaure Alesjaure Abiskojaure Abiskojaure Abisko But as I need to resupply, and Ritsem is the only place which has a big enough supermarket it seems, I need to go to Ristem at Vaisaluokta. But I would not know how the route from Ristem to Abisko would go. Ill try to understand what you wrote (it is quite difficult looking and understanding all these names). Would I take an entirely other route when I take your advice then the list above, or would they intersect at some point? I understand your confusion. It is kind of hard to keep track on theese names. Also you need to buy food, so it is understandable. When you take the boat and are at Ritsem you can hike to Sitasjaure (gravel road with a boom, so not so much trafic), and then the next day hike to Hukejaure on one day. I do not say it is a nice hike, it is mostly ATV road, but it is much faster. But you know, when I look at your route I would suggest taking as much as possible of your trip on the norwegian side. Much nicer hike and terrain (wilder). I have some pictures in this post..From Katterat close to narvik, and to Sulitjelma. 1 Siter
Jan Erik Hansen Skrevet 13. mars 2019 Skrevet 13. mars 2019 (endret) 5 timer siden, Nop skrev: Thanks again. So far I have used several sources to plan the route and resupply points, including your blog Jan Erik (so thanks!). This is how I have it now: (1) Sulitjelma-Vaisaluokta (~108km), then take a boat to Ristem which has a supermarket to resupply fully. Then take (the same day?) a boat back to Vaisaluokta. (2) Vaisaluokta-Abisko (~240km), then at Abisko village which has a supermarket to resupply fully. I might stop at Sälka which has a shop (link), but I dont know if I can count on that. (3) Abisko-Kilpsijärvi (190km) then resupply at Kilpsijärvi village which has a supermarket. (4) Kilpsijärvi-Kautokeino (195km) end of the trail, I can buy normal food in Kautokeino. Does this sound about right? That's a natural way to make sections of the trail. Leg 1: I'm not sure if I would advice you to rely too much on Ritsem as a supply point. When I visited in 2008, there was a good selection, but in 2011 the selection of light weight food suitable for the trail was very limited. It might be better now. I should also add that last time i visited Staloloukta (halvway on first leg) the selection in the small shop was very good. One option if you cant't find what you need in Ritsem, there's a daily buss to the nearby city (not sure about the name). This would would mean you spend a whole day at Ritsem. Leg 2: I did not check the shop in Sälka, but if the selection is as good as at Alesjaure you can get what you need for the rest of that leg. You can get every thing you need at Abisko, or, take the train down to Narvik as @Kjell Iver sugest. Well worth the trip. Leg 3-4: Note that the shop in Kilpsijärvi is located a few kilometers (3-5 km)south of where you get of the boat after crossing the lake. 3 timer siden, Kjell Iver skrev: I'm a little curious on why you select Vaisaluokta - Abisko? I would say it should be more natural to hike from Ritsem to Abisko, when you are on that Swedish side? If you like to hike over to Norwegian side from Vaisaluokta to Røysvatn and continue north I would have hiked to Katterat station and then taken the train down to Narvik for food, and train back to Katterat, and continue the hike through the Rallar road direct north - not via Abisko. It is a true experience and gives a more beautiful and wild hike in norway. The trainticket are really cheap, swedish railroad. Some of us use the old Lommekjent website, that is good for routeplanning in Norway. Can export to GPS from it. Nordkalottruta/Nordkalottleden/kalottireitti is an official trail by the Hiking associations in Norway, Sweeden and Finland. But I agree that hiking the Norwegian side around narvik is a bit more interesting than crossing the border from Gautelis and then following Kungsleden to Abisko. 3 timer siden, Nop skrev: Thanks for the advice Kjell. I chose Vaisaluokta - Abisko because all the routes which I can find online go through Vaisaluokta. I made this list: Vaisaluokta Røysvatn Røysvatn Paurohytta Paurohytta Sitashytta Sitashytta Skoaddejávre Skoaddejávre Gautelis Gautelis Hukejaure Hukejaure Sälka Sälka Tjäkta Tjäkta Alesjaure Alesjaure Abiskojaure Abiskojaure Abisko But as I need to resupply, and Ritsem is the only place which has a big enough supermarket it seems, I need to go to Ristem at Vaisaluokta. But I would not know how the route from Ristem to Abisko would go. Ill try to understand what you wrote (it is quite difficult looking and understanding all these names). Would I take an entirely other route when I take your advice then the list above, or would they intersect at some point? If you want to shorten the distance, and go north from Ritsem a natural route would be Ritsem-Sitasjaure Fjällstuga-Hukejaure Fjällstuga. From Hukejaure you can then follow the trail towards Abisko, or cross the border to Norway and follow the trail to Gautelis. So, the routes meets at Hukejaure. Endret 13. mars 2019 av Jan Erik Hansen 1 Siter
Nop Skrevet 13. mars 2019 Forfatter Skrevet 13. mars 2019 Thanks to the both of you. Jan Erik, I think Ritsem is my only option. If there is no good selection in Ritsem, I will ask around for the bus I think, because I think I really need resupply at that point, if Abisko is the next big resupply point (which is still 250km from Vaisaluokta I believe). Do you also think at this point a resupply is needed, or is there some other way of getting resupply around that time? Staloluokta, according to the website, has this in store: It might be helpful on the way, but I dont think I can count on a full resupply with light-weight food. And if I could do a good resupply at Staloluokta, its still 300km to Abisko. Siter
Jan Erik Hansen Skrevet 13. mars 2019 Skrevet 13. mars 2019 Yes. Ritsem is the natural resupply point. Hopefully there will be a good selection when you come there. You might be lucky, and find some food left behind in the Norwegian cabins, but not something to rely on. Sälka and Allesjaure is of course an option for some resupply for the last few days on the trail before Abisko. It all depend on how much you are willing to carry, and how many days you plan on spending on that leg. When thinking about it, there might be a reason why there was little trail food to find at Ritsem when I was there in 2011. At the same time there was some sort of religious congregation of the sami people in the area at Ritsem. Most of the rooms at the Tourist station were filled. So that might explain the limited selection in the shop. Siter
Kjell Iver Skrevet 13. mars 2019 Pålogget Skrevet 13. mars 2019 30 minutter siden, Nop skrev: Thanks to the both of you. Jan Erik, I think Ritsem is my only option. If there is no good selection in Ritsem, The store in Ritsem is not very well equipped. Swedish meatballs, rice, spaghetti and those stuff is OK. I have noticed that many people that walks Norway north south stops in Hellemobotn and buy food in Drag. They use boat in and out and the boat is not in there very often. Wild part and Norway is just 6 km wide there.. Siter
Nop Skrevet 19. mars 2019 Forfatter Skrevet 19. mars 2019 (endret) Thanks again 😊. I am getting very close to having a final route, but I could use your insights again. Looking into the route using the maps on and, I think I am getting a better understanding of the area. I will try to make this post as readable as I can. Right now, I see this as being my first leg: Sulitjelma Ny-Sulitjelma Fjellstue Ny-Sulitjelma Fjellstue Sorjushytta Sorjushytta Sårjåsjaure Sårjåsjaure Staddajåkkå Staddajåkkå Staloluokta Staloluokta Arasluokta Arasluokta Låddejåkk Låddejåkk Kutjaure Kutjaure Vaisaluokta At this point, I will take the boat from Vaisaluokta --> Ritsem to resupply. When I look at the Swedish map, at Ritsem I see I have two options. (1) As Kjell Iver said, I can stay on the Ritsem-side of the lake (the Akkajaure). I could then walk Ritsem-Roysvatn, on the Swedish map there is a trail so I guess its walk-able. (2) Take the boat back to Vaisaluokta and walk Vaisaluokta-Roysvatn (normal Nordkalottruta route). I think I will take this option, because it seems a more enjoyable hike. Do you guys think Vaisaluokta-Roysvatn is a better hike then Ritsem-Roysvatn? Right now, I see this as being my second leg: Vaisaluokta Røysvatn Røysvatn Paurohytta Paurohytta Sitashytta Sitashytta Skoaddejávre At this point, I would like to do something else then the normal Nordkalottruta (which is Skoaddejávre-Gautelis and Gautelis-Abisko), because I want to avoid the Kungsleden. This is my alternative plan: Skoaddejávre Cáihnavággihytta Cáihnavággihytta Cunojávrihytta Cunojávrihytta Katterat Katterat Riksgränsen At this point, I can resupply in Riksgränsen (instead of Abisko). The downside here I think, is that Cunojávrihytta-Katterat is partly on a railway. Also Katterat-Riksgränsen looks like there is some railway. Maybe getting a train from Katterat to Riksgränsen is better then walking Katterat-Riksgränsen? The big benefit is avoiding Kungsleden. Then I would need to find a way from Riksgränsen to Pålnoviken. On the Swedish map it looks like a long stretch of walking by a railway. Any suggestions, or do you think I should just walk this stretch to Pålnoviken along the railway? Right now, this is my third leg: Katterat Riksgränsen Riksgränsen Pålnoviken Pålnoviken Lappjordhytta Lappjordhytta Altevasshytta Altevasshytta Gaskashytta Gaskashytta Vuomashytta Vuomashytta Dividalshytta Dividalshytta Dærtahytta Dærtahytta Rostahytta Rostahytta Pältsa Pältsa Kuohkimajärvi Kuohkimajärvi Kilpsijärvi At this point, I would resupply at Kilpsijärvi. I also have an alternative in this part, but I dont know if this is possible with the distances (because of food-weight): going through Gappohytta and Goldahytta Right now, this is my last leg: Kilpsijärvi Saarijärvi Saarijärvi Kuonjarjohka Kuonjarjohka Meekonjärvi Meekonjärvi Pitsusjärvi Pitsusjärvi Somashytta Somashytta Saraelv Saraelv Nedrefosshytta Nedrefosshytta Reisavannhytta Reisavannhytta Madam Bongos Fjellstue Madam Bongos Fjellstue Kautokeino Endret 19. mars 2019 av Nop 1 Siter
Kjell Iver Skrevet 19. mars 2019 Pålogget Skrevet 19. mars 2019 6 minutter siden, Nop skrev: What do you guys think of this plan? I think you have a good plan. If you are normally fit, I would say you could walk faster. For instance I hiked from Staddajåkkå to Ny-Sulitjelma on one day, and you have 3 days on that. But a really nice terrain, so if you prefer to walk short days it is good too. 12 minutter siden, Nop skrev: Or do you guys think Ritsem-Roysvatn might be as good as Vaisaluokta-Roysvatn? I don't know. I seem to recall that someone wrote that the route Ritsem-Røysvatn is a marked trail now, but I do not know that. I would suggest finding a route so you don't have to look at the drained lake, because it is really ugly when it is drained - as it is in the summertime.. BTW: Be aware that some of these swedish huts have provisions. Indicated on this map. Unna allakas for instance has a store 26 minutter siden, Nop skrev: At this point I can resupply in Riksgränsen (instead of Abisko). The downside here I think, is that Cunojávrihytta-Katterat is partly on a railway. Also Katterat-Riksgränsen looks like there is some railway. Maybe getting a train from Katterat to Riksgränsen is better then walking Katterat-Riksgränsen? (I would like to walk as much as possible though). The big benefit is avoiding Kungsleden. I would have considered taking the train to Narvik instead from Katterat, and back. takes just a few minutes and worth every krone! Check for times. Then hike the rallarveien over to Riksgrensen when you return. Consider staying at Vokterboligen there close to Katterat - an open hut. When I hiked there (From Katterat to Rosta) I hiked a different route - you can see "some" pictures here. 1 Siter
Nop Skrevet 19. mars 2019 Forfatter Skrevet 19. mars 2019 (endret) @Kjell Iver Thanks for the reply (I think I made a edit just after your reply). The walks are from hut to hut as orientation points, not as daywalks 😊 Thanks I will look into Narvik! Do you think its a much better place for resupply then Riksgränsen in terms of prices/products? Endret 19. mars 2019 av Nop 1 Siter
Jan Erik Hansen Skrevet 19. mars 2019 Skrevet 19. mars 2019 (endret) 2 timer siden, Nop skrev: (2) Take the boat back to Vaisaluokta and walk Vaisaluokta-Roysvatn (normal Nordkalottruta route). I think I will take this option, because it seems a more enjoyable hike. Do you guys think Vaisaluokta-Roysvatn is a better hike then Ritsem-Roysvatn? 1 time siden, Kjell Iver skrev: I don't know. I seem to recall that someone wrote that the route Ritsem-Røysvatn is a marked trail now, but I do not know that. I would suggest finding a route so you don't have to look at the drained lake, because it is really ugly when it is drained - as it is in the summertime.. I think this Ritsem-Røysvatn is a new route. On my BD7 Swedish map from 2006 it is not marked. I did not see it on any map, or on signposts when I hiked the area in 2007. In 2011 i recall a sign post near Røysvatn pointing towards Ritsem and the trail. So probably fairly new, and better marked than Vaisaloukta-Røysvatn. On the map it looks like you will avoid 2 or 3 river crossings on that route. Since I don't know the route I can't say which is the better hike. 1 time siden, Nop skrev: Thanks I will look into Narvik! Do you think its a much better place for resupply then Riksgränsen in terms of prices/products? I like Kjell Ivers suggestion to jump on the train to Narvik, and then back up. It1s a nice train ride. In terms of prices/products you will find more in Narvik, and pay less at Riksgrensen. Prices are higher in Norway. 2 timer siden, Nop skrev: At this point, I would resupply at Kilpsijärvi. I also have an alternative in this part, but I dont know if this is possible with the distances (because of food-weight): going through Gappohytta and Goldahytta Bot the route Rostahytta-Gappo-Golda-Kilpis and Rostahytta-Pältsa-Kilpis are manageable in two days, so it's a matter of choice. I prefer the trail from Rostahytta through Isdalen to Gappo, since it's a very nice hike with steep mountains around the trial. Gappohytta: Endret 19. mars 2019 av Jan Erik Hansen Siter
Nop Skrevet 19. mars 2019 Forfatter Skrevet 19. mars 2019 (endret) Thanks for all the help , I got my route now: From To Distance Sulitjelma Ny-Sulitjelma Fjellstue 5 Ny-Sulitjelma Fjellstue Sorjushytta 11 Sorjushytta Sårjåsjaure 12 Sårjåsjaure Staddajåkkå 5.5 Staddajåkkå Staloluokta 12 Staloluokta Arasluokta 12 Arasluokta Låddejåkk 13 Låddejåkk Kutjaure 19 Kutjaure Vaisaluokta 18 ~ 107.5 km Vaisaluokta Røysvatn 55 Røysvatn Paurohytta 28 Paurohytta Sitashytta 23 Sitashytta Skoaddejávre 22 Skoaddejávre Cáihnavággihytta 23 Cáihnavággihytta Cunojávrihytta 14 Cunojávrihytta Oallavagge 12 Oallavagge Katterat 13 Katterat Riksgränsen/Narvik ~ 190 km Riksgränsen Pålnoviken ? Pålnoviken Lappjordhytta 3.5 Lappjordhytta Altevasshytta 25 Altevasshytta Gaskashytta 12.5 Gaskashytta Vuomashytta 17 Vuomashytta Dividalshytta 18 Dividalshytta Dærtahytta 24 Dærtahytta Rostahytta 16 Rostahytta Gappohytta 20 Gappohytta Goldahytta 12 Goldahytta Kilpisjärvi ``16 ~ 164 km Kilpisjärvi Saarijärvi 18 Saarijärvi Kuonjarjoki 10 Kuonjarjoki Meekonjärvi 10 Meekonjärvi Pitsusjärvi 12 Pitsusjärvi Somashytta 13 Somashytta Saraelv 31 Saraelv Nedrefosshytta 27 Nedrefosshytta Reisavannhytta 29 Reisavannhytta Madam Bongos Fjellstue 30 Madam Bongos Fjellstue Kautokeino 22 ~ 202 km In total this is (without Riksgränsen - Pålnoviken, as I dont know yet), around 664 km. Seems very doable, 202 km being the longest strech. Though I am very happy with this route, are there maybe any suggestions for extentions to make the route a bit longer? Endret 19. mars 2019 av Nop Siter
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