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Safe Avalanche Routes for Randonee in Lofoten (based in Valberg)

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Hello all,

Firstly, please accept my apologies for speaking English.   I was directed to this forum as a place with great members and information for skiing.  Everyone I've asked my questions to keeps saying "ask a local!" and that's pretty hard when I don't know any locals and am not in Lofoten yet :)


I realize you can never be 100% sure about avalanches. I've done some ski touring and I know there is an inherent risk so you don't need to give the standard caution that nothing is safe.


We will be staying in Vestvågøy (Valberg) in the end of February and hoping to find a couple of scenic ski tours to do if the weather permits. Obviously the closer to Valberg the better but will have a car. The goal is a nice hike, a great view, and a fun but reasonably easy way down. We will sacrifice fun skiing where necessary to make sure we are in a safe area.


The information I've found online is a bit scattered and most of it involves classic tours that may be too avalanche prone for my if I'm in charge though I have no idea and no local knowledge. As I said, I have some experience but I'm certainly not a guide. We will not be hiring a guide so that is why I want to do as much advanced research as possible on safe routes. I reached out to a few guides but understandably they are not in the business of giving free tips and haven't had much luck.


Of course, we will check the weather and the on the ground conditions before heading out but my goal is to have a few good choices planned in advance where we can get great views and be in reasonably safe terrain should the weather be good enough for a couple of tours.


Any suggestions are greatly appreciated and I will take them all with a grain of salt such that it's my responsibility and I do my own research with a topo map and more reading on anything suggested that I'm considering.


Finally, if there are any links with specifically avalanche safe tours that I haven't found, please let me know.


Any help is greatly appreciated. 



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