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Mountain books for Norway

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Gjest Anonymous

Hello all,

I'm currently producing an list of books that cover mountain walking, mountaineering and climbing in Norway. While I have a reasonably complete list of books published in English, my list of Norwegian books is somewhat limited to what I have below.

“Til Fots I Fjellet”, Claus Helberg, Den Norske Turistforening, ISBN 8202254205

“Norges Fjelltopper over 2000 meter”, Morten & Julia Helgesen, Glittertind Forlag, ISBN?????

“Rondslottet - Lodalskåpa : turguide til 2000-metertoppene”, Erik W. Thommessen, Topografisk forlag, ISBN 8279810226

“Kremen av topper : 40 høge turmål i Sør-Norge”, Erik W. Thommessen, Valdres forlag, ISBN 8275620546

“Hardangervidda : fra hytte til hytte”, Svein Grønvold et al, Gyldendal, ISBN 8205251983

“Jotunheimen : fra hytte til hytte”, Svein Grønvold et al, Gyldendal, ISBN 8205245215

“Rondane og Femundsmarka : med tilgrensende fjellstrøk. Fra hytte til hytte”, Svein Grønvold et al, Gyldendal, ISBN 8205215464

“Til topps i Nordland”, Sandvik Hilde, Forlaget Press, ISBN 8275471036

Could anyone provide details of good books that I haven't included? I'd be particularly interested if the following areas have some good literature covering tours to summits:

Lyngen & Troms Fylke




I'm currently co-authoring a book called "Walks and Scrambles in Norway". Three of the appendices are bibliographies and weblinks of interest to the reader. The book is due out in December 2005, details can be found at:


Anthony Dyer

Gjest Anonymous

"Til fots i fjellet" has now a new edition: "Til fots i Norge" ISBN: 82-90339-06-2

Gjest Anonymous

Norges Fjelltopper over 2000 meter / Norwegian summits above 2000 meters has the following ISBN 82-997013-0-9

In Lyngen there's the "Lyngsalpene book" by Ben Johnsen and then there's the "Jotunheimens Stortopper" by the same Johnsen.

The Thommessen has also got more books.

Norman Kjærvik has made a book called "Fjell"

And besides - I responded to your email from long ago at least twice but never heard anything more :P

Gjest Anonymous

Hallo Anthony D.

This link is showing a picture of the "Lyngasalpene" book from 1984 (ISBN Nr 82-00-06594-4).

" http://www.etojm.com/Norsk/Praktisk/Praktiskeemner/Litteratur/Diverseomraader.html "

For the moment is very hard to find one to buy, but some of the Library's have it.

For north of norway, the is some nice books abot walks in som areas:

1) " På tur i Bodø" - check " http://www.bot.no/index.php?fo_id=486 "

2) " På tur i vesterålen " - check " http://www.vesteraalen-regionraad.no/turmal/paa_tur.htm "

3) " På tur i Fauske og Saltdal " (2001)

4) " På tur i Beiarn, Gildeskål, Meløy og Skjerstad " (1999)

5) "På tur i Hamarøy, Tysfjord, Steigen og Sørfold " (1997)

(chack " http://www.salten.no/friluftsrad/litteratur/litteratur.tpl " )

The book you tell about seems to be verry instresting for norwegians!

I'am looking forward to buy it.

Best regards from Jan Hugo in Tromsø - norway.

Gjest Anonymous

Norges isbreer,

L. Ryvarden og B. Wold,

Universitetsforlaget 1991.


Gjest Anonymous

Many thanks for the information,

Some further requests. Can you recommend online bookstores that sell many of these books?

Currently I've found:

Nordisk Korkhandel www.scanmaps.dk

Norli Nettbokhandel www.norli.no

Also, I have some very old guidebooks which I think are classics from the 1950's and 1960's:

“Rock Climbs in Arctic Norway”, Norway Travel Association

“Rock Climbs in Lofoten Norway”, Norway Travel Association

“Mountain Holidays in Norway”, Per Prag, Norway Travel Association

I've seached google to try to find if any libraries or secondhand online shops sell them. Unfortunately I've found none.

Here are some images:



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