Tom Skrevet 21. mai 2005 Skrevet 21. mai 2005 Hei godtfolk! Er det noen som vet om sykkelsider hvor det er forslag til turer man kan ta land og strand rundt. Jeg er ikke primært interessert i diskusjonsforum, for da kan jeg like gjerne spørre her. Det beste hadde vært en oversiktlig side med gode forslag, både korte og lange, for forskjellige landsdeler. Har endelig fått opp stativet på taket, vøtt Hvis det er dårlig med sider på nettet ville jeg bli glad om noen hadde gode forslag for bøker som tar for seg det samme. Siter
Kim Skrevet 21. mai 2005 Skrevet 21. mai 2005 Her finner du iallfall noen bøker om temaet: Her var det en fin bok: Siter
Tom Skrevet 21. mai 2005 Forfatter Skrevet 21. mai 2005 Takk for det. Håper flere har forslag. Kjenner det kribler Siter
Torodd Skrevet 22. mai 2005 Skrevet 22. mai 2005 Pröv Som en taster fra den siden; her er Hurumlandet rundt, beskrevet av meg selv. Dette er en av de beste sykkelturene i Oslo området og i Norge forövrig. Hurumlandet rundt. 140 km. Approx. total hill climb: 600 meters. Highest point: Liertoppen 230 meters above sea level. Traffic: Moderate. Severity Rating: **** Fun Rating: ***** How to get to Sandvika: Train from Oslo 4-6 times an hour. This is a real gem of a tour. This tour follows the Hurum peninsula in the Oslofjord basin. The small roads is not particular busy. There is some steep and medium hard climbs along the route. In my view, this is a serious tour with few easy parts. Most of the cycling is very technical. This is the most scenic cycle route in the Oslo area and a must do if you base yourself in Oslo. Shops at Sandvika, Slemmestad, Åros, Tofte, Gullaug, Liertoppen and Asker. The road out of Sandvika flat goes past IKEA (a big warehouse) and down to Nesbru. Follow the road to Slemmestad over some small hills along the fjord. The view to Oslo is very good. At Slemmestad, take the small road over Nærsnes to Åros. This road is hilly with a vertical climb in the beginning. After fifteen kilometers, you are at a crossroad. Take the road down the valley to Åros and the fjord again. The road from Åros to Sætre and Storsand is quite flat. Take the road to Tofte from Sætre. The road start to climb from Storsand over a 190 meters above sea level hill before it drops down to the fjord again at Hvidsten. The road is quite flat until Filtvedt where road climbs over a small hill to Tofte. Stunning view over the outer Oslo fjord area from the pier. Stock up with drink because the next thirty kilometers are quite hard. The road climbs through a small canyon from Tofte up to a hill where the road drops down again until it reach a new climb. The road is not to bad from this part until it reaches a crossroad. Take the road towards Drammen. There is a sharp and steep climb after this crossroad before the road falls down to Drammensfjorden. The next thirty kilometers is rather flat and very scenic. The road climbs a bit at Lahell before it falls down to Gullaug. At the next crossroad, take the road to Tranby and Lierkroa. The road is dead flat for two kilometers. At Lierkroa (food and drink), the road climbs steady up to Liertoppen. This climb is very scenic though with excellent views over Drammen and Lier. The road flattens out at a small lake. At the next roundabout, take the road to Asker. The road goes past Liertoppen shopping mall and flat past some lakes over to Asker. From Asker, take the road down to Nesbru and Sandvika. Siter
Torgeir Skrevet 22. mai 2005 Skrevet 22. mai 2005 Sjekk Syklistenes Landsforening: Prøv også denne: Siter
Tom Skrevet 22. mai 2005 Forfatter Skrevet 22. mai 2005 Takk. Dette begynner å bli veldig interessant Siter
Gjest Anonymous Skrevet 1. juni 2005 Skrevet 1. juni 2005 Ta en titt på og Fine sider med aktive forum der du sikkert kan få mange gode svar. "Anyone who rides a bike is a friend of mine" Gary Fisher Siter
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