Gjest PaperCut Skrevet 20. desember 2010 Skrevet 20. desember 2010 Denne burde være i enhver oppakning: http://www.pronav.no/index.php?page=vis_produkt&ProduktID=545&fra=&Type= Den koster litt i innkjøp, og en årlig avgift til post og teletilsynet, men gir den beste sikkerheten ved ulykke. Den store forskjellen til spot, er dekning. neste er alarmnivået. PLB går via SARsat til hovedredningssentralen. det vil si at det er den "store" alarmknappen. i områdene jeg ferdes, kan så mye gå galt, at denne vil jeg ikke være uten. Jeg er ikke enig i at denne hører hjemme i enhver oppakning fremfor en Spot. De to produktene har samme misjon, men forskjellige funksjoner og praktisk bruk - og bør brukes deretter. Under ekstreme forhold og på ekstreme steder kan jeg se behovet for en Fast Find, men jeg tror 9 av 10 klarer seg fint med en SPOT. Mange insisterer på at de klarer seg fint uten SPOT også Det var lite informasjon å finne om Fast Find utover salgsflosklene, men på utenlansk var det mer - for de som er interessert The Fast Find PLB rescue device works by receiving a GPS signal and then sending out a 406 MHz distress signal and 121.5 MHz locating signal. When a search and rescue authority (SAR) receives a 406 MHz distress signal (your name and contact info is registered to the FastFind) your position and contact info is sent to the nearest SAR and they use the position and 121.5MHz to home in on you. In addition to the 406 and 121.5MHz signals there is also a unique SOS LED flash light. This is manually activated to assist in night time rescues. Fast Find 210 har kun batteri for 24 timers transmisjon og tåler "bare" ned til -20. Skal du ha dobbel driftstid eller tåle ned til -40, koster enheten dobbelt så mye også..... snakk om å melke kua . Til mitt primærbruk velger jeg Spot. Skal jeg gå over grønlandsisen kjøper jeg en Fast Find i tillegg. Spot gir mine kjære tracking og jeg kan sende ok-beskjed. Går det galt har jeg Fast Find som vel ganske klart har et bedre system for rask respons og nøyaktig peiling enn Spot. Siter
Gjest PaperCut Skrevet 20. desember 2010 Skrevet 20. desember 2010 The Fast Find is a 406 MHz Personal Location Beacon (PLB) that should be carried by individuals, who are embarking on trips into areas around the world where there is little or no other forms of communication or where other forms of communication are unlikely to work. The Fast Find acts as your personal Emergency Location Beacon, it is your last resort communication to the national and international search and rescue bodies and it should not be mis-used. The Fast Find is designed as a direct communication, to the 406 MHz Search and Rescue satellite system, its signal indicates that you are in need of urgent response and assistance. Its small size belies its rugged construction and powerful output. There is no compromise. Once activated, the distress beacon will send out a signal for help, and continues to transmit for at least 24 hours, at a powerful 5 watt output, ensuring that your call for help gets through whatever the conditions. The pocket sized beacon transmits at the press of a button, to alert search and rescue services to your plight. Budget conscious users will find the standard model powerful and reliable with its 121.5MHz homing capabilities but for a little extra you can benefit from the GPS model which will pinpoint your exact location for extra speedy rescue. You can buy your Fast Find from retailers around the world. All you have to do next is register it with the search and rescue authorities in the country where you purchased it, and its ready to carry with you. There are no extra charges or subscriptions to pay. Siter
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