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Min bedre halvdel og jeg skal på Aconcagua i mnd-skiftet desember/januar og lurer i den forbindelse på klatrelisens. Planen er å kjøpe klatrelisens lørdag den 26. des og begynne turen samme dag. Problemet er at ingen av oss kan spansk, og ingen på kontoret som utsteder lisensene kan engelsk (!) (Vi forsøkte å ringe i går). (Har også forsøkt Google translate på hjemmesiden (http://www.ambiente.mendoza.gov.ar/) til de som (jeg tror) utsteder lisens, men finner ikke ut noe om åpningstidene).

Jeg ser nå at det er en gjeng her inne som skal opp noen dager etter oss, kanskje noen av dere (eller andre) kan svare på det vi lurer på? Jeg prøver :)

Og spørsmålet lyder altså som følger: Holder "lisenskontoret" åpent lørdag 26.? Og hvilke åpningstider opererer de med?


Det ser greit ut å kjøpe lørdag 26.desember ifølge



Park Permits: To climb or hike in Aconcagua park you need to buy a permit. IMPORTANT: Permits to access the park's premises are no longer issued at the office in the center of the city, but need to be bought at the Dirección de Recursos Naturales Renovables, (located in the main Park: Parque San Martín).

The San Martin Parque is located on the left side of the map (actually the office is just north of the soccer stadium that's shown). The park is worth a day's visit anyway, join the Sunday morning workout!

Office hours are: 8:00 am to 18:00 pm, weekdays and 9:00 am to 13:00 pm Saturdays and Sundays.

25 December and Januari 1 the offfice is closed.

IMPORTANT: Starting with the 1999/2000 season, the Dirección de Recursos Naturales Renovables, will require that all permits be petitioned in person. Filing will be done by expeditions members in Mendoza

Permit Prices: depending on season and activity:

These are the 2005/2006 prices; the cost of permits might probably go up more next season

UPDATE: due to robbery, the permit can be paid in the permit office but only during the afternoon and on weekends. From Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 1 pm, the passengers must go to the bank to pay it there, then with the invoice that the bank will give you, go to the permit office and ask for the permit, showing the receipt. The bank is at Olegario V. Andrade and Paso de Los Andes streets. Nacion Bank (Banco Nacion)

Argentinean citizens pay only 50% of the fees shown below. Visitors under 18 must have a legally certified parental authorization and enter the Park under the supervision of an older tutor

Validity (#days) starts when entering the park, not when it is bought.

Children under 14 are not allowed in the parc, between 14 & 21 years, you need 'special documentation', though the park does not explain what this is, it is likely a signed letter from the legal guardians.

Note that the rices below are for all routes except for the Guanacos route, that one costs $500 in high season and $400 otherwise!

On a trekking permit you cannot go any higher than the basecamps: 4300m

There are no trekking permits for the Guanacos route.

Updated park permit prices, season 2008/2009 in Argentinean Peso (AR$):

  • 1 måned senere...

Tror ikke du vil oppleve at komunikasjonen blir vrien, det er så mye aktivitet på det fjellet at engelsk kommer du langt med.

Hvis du går Horcones dalen, ha kamera klart!! kjempe fin tur inn

God tur!!!

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