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Giorgio Pioda

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Alt skrevet av Giorgio Pioda

  1. Any idea about the upcoming Asnes Mountain race 48? Regards
  2. I tested my E99 Easy Skin this week, mostly on compact / transformed snow on my preferred mountain, and I have to say, it has been positive. I also have to admit that I didn't feel a big difference between the Fischer short traps and the Intelligrips. Regards
  3. Hi volks, after two years of "wild crust skating" my fischer Powerlight show naked wood everywere in the tails. The powerlite are good at skating, but a little too stiff for managing well soft snow conditions offpiste. What about replacing them with Asnes Holmenkollen or Fischer E89 to have a little softer ski? Best regards Giorgio
  4. I've broken yesterday my Swix Extreme Mountain 160cm. I'm sad because I really love the long cork grip. Any idea for replacements? Needs to be at least 160 since I skate frequently with mountain poles. I'm 100 Kg heavy. What about the Fischer Variolite line? Cheers Giorgio P.S: feel free to reply in norwegian
  5. The switchback was locked of course, I didn't test real backcountry with skins, just a little offpiste in resort.
  6. No, walk/ski mode doesn't affect the sole flex at all (ski mode inhibits the ancle flex towards the backside only)
  7. In the sole, actually. The ancle feels like in concrete. Triing without ski, I really have to push hard my full weight to flex the sole. The rods in the Switchback are pretty loose. I didn't check the walk/ski mode. I go quickly to the basement...
  8. Hi, I've bought T4/Switchback/E109. Ski and bindings are very good. The T4 boots are very stiff and unconfortable at walking. Turning parallel is OK, but in soft snow I'm used to do telemark turns. With the T4 I'm not able to flex the foot during ski, since I have to put at least 50% of my weight to let it flex. Is it related to the fact that I've bought 1 size longer than usual to have enough space for my nordic feet? Or to the fact that the boots are new? What for a leather alternative matching the Switchback. Do Crispi Sydpolen or Svartisen fit? Best regards Giorgio P.S: Feel free to reply in norwegian
  9. Difficoult to judge a specific case but the basic idea is the following: -stiff ski will be faster on flat, kick wax will keep longer, short traps will perform better on hard snow, but carving ability is bad. -softer ski right the opposite, slower on flat, kick wax wears quicker, short traps perform worse on hard surface but carving ability will be better. All the problem is the needed compromise. Remember that narrow skis are tendentially stiff, and broader ski are usually also softer. Remember also that is you plan to ski in powder with traps, speed is reduced anyway, and traps performance will be similar between stiff and soft ski. What is new on the market are the rocker skis. If you are interested in skinny ski, you should consider to go with at least some rocker, like on the new E99 or on the Asnes Gamme 54. This tecnology should improve the compromise; a relatively stiff ski with some additional control on carving in powder (no idea if the carving ability improves also on hard surfaces). Regards
  10. Before the beginning of last ski season I ordered Fischer Powerlight (way narrower than what you plan to buy, 51-46-49) mostly to use them on crust skating... But then we got powder and powder, more than 3 meters; more than 1 meter in one single day. I managed to use them offpiste very well, pairing the skis with Intelligrip skins for going up, and often keeping the skins to slow down at downhill. My terrain is by far not flat; some kind of "gentle top-tour" most between 10 and 30 degree. All this using skating SNS bindings and boots. Bindings and boot are NOT limiting at all. The limit is that the ski is a little too stiff and thus it is impossible to carve tight rapid curves. The carring capacity in 1m powder is not ideal but is amazing still possible to use them pretty well (I'm 100Kg !). This year I'm moving towards E109 expecting more powder, but maybe I'll get crust... So what you definitely have to check is the ski FLEX. If you plan to go much offpiste pick shorter skis (one or two sizes respect to the official weight table) to have more flex on the cost of a little slower ski on flat tram track. Regards Giorgio
  11. I was looking for wider and softer skis, to go offtrack and also on prepared alpine terrain... After reading this post, and having tested Intelligrip on Fischer Powerlight I decided to buy E109 instead of Asnes Store/Vetle or Nansen/Ingstad. Paired them with voile switchback for low plastic boot. I confirm that Intelligrips are really great, and if the snow is particularly fast it is possible to leave the skins on going down offpiste. They stays well in place and have a predictable braking effect, with no noise. I woul only wish more lenghts to select. Ordered 200cm (I'm 190/100) and 170 (165/58) to keep them easy to guide in the tight woods. Thanks for your idea, Lompa
  12. Thanks for the tips. I'll probably go with Vika, since we need skins quite a lot.
  13. I have the same problem with my first boy. 10y, 40 Kg, 140 cm. I don't know if I should go with Vikafjell 150 or 160 (the only model available for boys/girls) or if I can buy directly some women model like Skoeg 170 or equivalent. I'll probably stay on standard SNS for boot availability here in south europe. Any opinions? Regards Giorgio
  14. Fully agree on Madshus Intelligrip. Great skins !
  15. Dimenticavo, ho attacchi pilot/skating, e gli sci sono leggermente più stretti dei tuoi Voss, ma anche più rigidi, forse. Certamente sono però più simili i miei ai tuoi che non magari un paio di Ingstad-
  16. Ci scommettevo, Fulvio... Oggi oggi ho fatto 400 mt di dislivello su 6/7 Km (andata e ritorno) con pendenze fino a circa 25 gradi (non %, gradi), su e giù per tutto il resort dell'Amiata, in circa 1h e 30. La neve era granulosa, non gelata, e in discesa siamo scesi senza pelli. In salita teneva bene; oltre i 10-15 gradi devi salire un po' a zig-zag. Se non ti senti sicuro portati due paia di pelli. Un paio lunghe in nylon e un paio di di Intelligrip in mohair per ottimizzare la velocità. Ho notato che le pelli in mohair diventano più veloci dopo un paio di utilizzi, soprattutto se le strofini leggermente con una paraffina da scorrimento (uso un blocchetto di cera da applicazione a caldo). Saluti
  17. Look, I've used Fischer Powerlight (waxable, 51-46-49, 202 cm lenght) with skating boots, combined with Intelligrip (the longer ones). I'm 190cm 100Kg naked, and probably 110 Kg with full gear. Used this combination in 10/20 Km tours around my mountain in Tuscany. Terrain up to 30 degree steepness, up and down, full in woods, with some rolling sections. I'm quite happy with this setup. The skis are a little to stiff (mainly to hard for going down into prepared alpine track, since the ski tails get caught and I probably should detune a little bit the tail edges), but really fast and skatable (without skins). On steep dw you can keep the skins on and they will give a remarkable breaking effect.
  18. Jes, but planning 40 Km in one day means "optimize glide", thus I would go with mohair, and intelligrip are short mohair kikers skins; You can leave them on even in downhill or rolling terrain if the snow is not too hard.
  19. Intelligrips are a great altenative. Use them a couple of time before going into a longer tour, and rub them with a little glide wax.
  20. I've seen this http://www.oslosportslager.no/produkt/asnes-gamme-54-fjellski-1314-29896.aspx Just wondering about this ski. Is it 68/54 or 64/54 (readable from ads pictures). Is it also a little tail-rocker or only tipp? Will it be good skatable? And what about on hard surface (give the fact that probably it will be good in powder). Cheers Giorgio
  21. Somehow good skatable, good at downhill, and short traps. Looks like a killer ski for my bank account. Hope to see it also in women lenghts.
  22. Intelligrip are great. (I've no experience with other traps system, but) I'm very impressed by the quality of these Intelligrips. I mount them on Fischer Powerlight. I climb up to 20% steepness straight, then at higher % I need to do some zig-zag way up in powder. In powder offpiste I can leave them on on downhill and the intelligrips sits perfectly at their own place. No strange side effects, just a little less glide. On hard prepared track the traps still have acceptable glide, that improved with some use and some rubbing glide wax. Of course on the way downhill on hard surface I remove them. I guess that the Intelligrip are a great universal alternative to Asnes short trap system. Maybe even superior, dued to the fact that there is no metal part on the skiing surface and the trap to skibase transition is perfectly smooth. On the dark side, I just feel that there are to few traps lenghts (two) and only one width option. Cheers
  23. I agree with the last posts. The only problem is to pick the correct stiffness of the ski. To have good downhill propreties you need single cambered ski, or maximal 1 and a half cambered one. I guess that at the end the "Steve Barnett philosophy" is the correct one (read it on telemarktalk.com ( http://www.telemarkt...63f3a70dbfe4ba0 ). He posts as "sb" user, and claims that a glittertind, taken 10cm shorter than tabled weight could be considered as a real allround ski. Cheers
  24. How would you consider waxless, like for my case, with 0.1 ton weight and going often into crusty / compact / heavy wet conditions? I tested Madshus intelligrip mounted on my Fisher powerlight, and although the ski passed the paper test (good double camber even at 100 Kg) I got absolutely no slip at hard / prep snow and only very moderate slip in soft unprep. snow (but it wasn't powder) Cheers
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