stort sett så vil man ha med seg flerbruks gjenstander på tur, kan lage provisoriske sutur strips med superlim hvis det er det man vil ha der og da..
finnes på markedet noe som heter Octyl cyanoacrylate som er moderne medesinsk superlim med litt bedre ingredienser for huden enn normal superlim..
her er også en video om bruk av superlim etter en operasjon, NB Litt blod
Call it the secret life of Super Glue.
During the Vietnam War, emergency medics began using the all-purpose glue to seal battle wounds in troops headed for surgery. The glue was so good at stemming bleeding that it was credited with saving many lives.
Nowadays, professional athletes often close small cuts with Super Glue or similar products to get back in the game in a hurry. The glues are also used by veterinarians, and many people keep a tube around the house to help them out of a medical pinch. It is believed that the glues — made from the chemical cyanoacrylate — not only stop bleeding quickly, but also lead to less scarring.