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Om Marjolein

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Newbie (1/14)

  • Reacting Well Sjeldent
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  1. Hei alle sammen! I am currently living in Norway for a year and am looking to make a weeklong (6-9 days) ski trip with the tent. Last year Ive done Abisko-Nikkaluokta and I am looking for something at least as mountainous, but preferably a little bit wilder with still access to huts from time to time. Ill be living 30min east of Tromso so I am looking for an area that's no more than a 4hour drive away. If there is Ice walls or Glaciers on the way that would be a big bonus. I thought about Sarek but im afraid it might be a bit too far out. If there is something similar in Finnmark or northern Finland, that would be perfect. Thank you in advance for any suggestions!
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