Når du kjøper Oppladbare RCR123 batterier.
Pass på at de har de innebygde "safety features" de burde ha(ikke alle oppladbare rcr123 batterier har det nemlig, så det kan være lurt å styre unna de aller billigste om du ikke er sikker):
"Li-ion chemistry is not as safe as nickel metal hydride or nickel-cadmium, and a li-ion cell requires several mandatory safety devices to be built in before it can be considered safe for use outside of a laboratory.
These are:
shut-down separator (for overtemperature),
tear-away tab (for internal pressure),
vent (pressure relief), and
thermal interrupt (overcurrent/overcharging). "
Håndter batteriene riktig:
"Lithium-ion batteries can rupture, ignite, or explode when exposed to high temperature environments, for example in an area that is prone to prolonged direct sunlight. Short-circuiting a Li-ion battery can cause it to ignite or explode, and as such, any attempt to open or modify a Li-ion battery's casing or circuitry is dangerous. Li-ion batteries contain safety devices that protect the cells inside from abuse, and, if damaged, can cause the battery to ignite or explode."
Pass også på hvordan du oppbevarer batteriene når de ikke er i bruk:
" It is significantly beneficial to avoid storing a lithium-ion battery at full charge. A Li-ion battery stored at 40% charge will last many times longer than one stored at 100% charge, particularly at higher temperatures.
If a Li-ion battery is stored with too low a charge, there is a risk of allowing the charge to drop below the battery's low-voltage threshold, resulting in an unrecoverable dead battery. Once the charge has dropped to this level, recharging it can be dangerous. Some batteries therefore feature an internal safety circuit which will prevent charging in this state, and the battery will be for all practical purposes dead."
Jeg har mer eller mindre sluttet å bruke oppladbare batterier av denne typen, men om jeg absolutt må så bruker jeg AW sine. (søk i google så finner du de nok)