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Om MrSkilpadde

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  1. Yeps, you're right about that as well Lompa! I've got the (global) Hoydeprofil of Route 1 as well: And the second optional route will be like this: I'd really like to climb Galdhoppigen, but it depends of my fellow hikers if they want it or not. Perhaps we stay 1 night at Spiterstulen if we go for Galdhoppigen. 1 Question left though We probably go by car, but Im not sure yet if I should park the car at Gjendesheim (and eventually take the bus from Ovre Ardal --> Gjendesheim (1 transfer at Fagernes)). Or park the car at Fagernes and take the bus to Gjendesheim (And eventually the bus from Ovre Ardal to Fagernes). I read about parking the car at Gjendesheim for 500 Nok a week, but does anyone know if parking is also possible at Fagernes? I read something about free parking at the Airport of Fagernes? Thanks for the responses, really looking forward to summer! Haha
  2. Thanks for your replies guys! Indeed, I don't really like to rush the track haha. Good to hear the confirmation about the spacious time schedule. I'll probably wander some more into the valleys of Skogadalen, Fleskedalen & Storutladalen. And perhaps I'll schedule some sort of rest day + peak climbing near Leirvassbu (not sure yet). You are right about from east to west Johan2000. Other plus for me to go from east to west is because the start (at Gjendesheim) probably is alot more crowded than the end is (at Ovre Ardal). It seems more fun to me to start with lots of hikers around you and then wander into the more quiet areas or Jotunheimen!
  3. So, the route globally will consist of: "Ovre Ardal (camping) – Utladalen - Vettisfossen – Fleskedalen – Skogadalen - Storutladalen – Gravdalsdammen -Leirvatnet – Langvatnet – Gjendebu – Memurubu – Besseggen – Gjendesheim – Maurvangen (Camping)" For me, it doesn't really seem like a hard route that is really doable in 7 days (6 nights, Ovre ardal & Maurvangen camping excluded), but ofcourse I haven't walked there yet. Am I right about this, or do I underestimate it? (My packing will be quite heavy though)
  4. Hello there all, Intro At first my apologies that my topic is in English. I thought about making it in Norwegian language, though it would end up being a rather bad translated story i'm afraid. I'm a fit guy in my twenties that likes nature, being outside and making hikes and bike tours like probably the most of you out here!. The reason I'm posting here, is because i'm wondering if some of you perhaps could give (and love to) share some tips of a hike plan i've made up for the summer in your special country. I've already made some hikes in my life, but those were just day hikes and this will be my first hike that will be multiple days in a row (out in nature). However, i'm quite convinced it will suit me perfect. Global Plan I'm planning to make a +/- 7 day hike through national park Jotunheimen in the summer (end July/beginning of August) with probably 1 or 2 other folks. I'm going for camping in the wild every night without any use of the DNT huts and I will be dependent of my own food supply that I will have to take with me for those days. I've already read and watched quite alot about Jotunheimen, what to pack for such a hike and the differences in nature and heights there. I made made a route with google maps and openmaps to see if there already trails there and it seems like a good route. But i'm still a bit unsure about my time schedule of 7 days considering the length of the route + differences in height in the area. My route (simple google maps picture) will be in : In openmaps program I already found that there are trails enough following this routes and the total length is about 80km (without taking in the differences in heights ) + the search for tent spots also aren't calculated and I will probably wander into areas like skogadalen and storutladalen as well. My questions? I'm not sure about the starting point yet (from Ovre Ardal camping ---> Gjendesheim (camping maurvangen eventually), or the other way around. And whether the time schedule of 7 days walking (6 nights in the area) is enough, or too much days for this route? However, like most of you will notice, the route also doesn't consist North Jotunheimen with Galdhoppigen and Glittertind for example, and i'm not sure yet if it will be a big miss or not. Perhaps if 7 days for this route seems to long and I could easily add climbing Galdhoppigen in my time schedule, I would do it as well! Any tips, suggestions about my route/time schedule and your experiences are more then appreciated! Thanks for reading and helps!
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