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Om Will

  • Bursdag 05. aug. 1978

Contact Methods

  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Isklatring, sjøkajakk, fjelltur dagsturer og med overnatting, fjellklatring
  • Sted
    Høyvågen, Vestbygd, Lødingen, Vesterålen

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  1. For light weight the Jetboil is excellent - the Jetboil itself is fairly light and you save a significant amount of weight because it's a lot more efficient than traditional gas stoves so you need carry significantly less gas, it's also fairly easy to shield it from the wind. The Jetboil does have limited versatility but with a lot of ingenuity that can be overcome. With cooking equipment there's generally a trade-off between weight and versatility. If you sacrifice the need to fry things that reduces weight significantly. Sorry to reply in English - my written Norsk is a bit slow.
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