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Polar Bear

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Innlegg skrevet av Polar Bear

  1. Hi,

    The most of my trips on Spitsbergen are complicated tours but mostly very exciting.

    Temple Mountain is a well know rock massive, 35 km North-East from Longyearbyen.

    The walk under Temple Mountain at the fjordside is relative easy (at low tide).
    But if you plan to make a trip around Temple Mountain things are becoming more alpine with crossing steep valley's and glaciers. After 32 km (Spitsbergen km !!!!) I completed this roundtrip with nice weather and special views all the way.

    For the whole story visit:
    www.fjelltours.nl/Spitsbergen/kayak2007.html and scroll down to a Special Day (& Night) trip on Spitsbergen.

    Enjoy the story and the pictures.



  2. Hi,

    During the last days of August I was lucky to catch some nice weather on Lofoten.

    I made a 10 days sea-kayaking & mountain walking/scramble trip around South Lofoten.

    It was all very exiting with beautiful views.

    For sure: Paddling around the South-point of the Lofoten islands is the place for testing the stability of your sea-kayak and the stability of yourself !!

    For an interesting story about this trip with more pictures go to:

    www.fjelltours.nl/Spitsbergen/kayak2007.html and scroll down to: Sea-Kayaking around South-Lofoten






  3. Hello Rimi,

    I saw your walking map, nice day trip!!! :wink: I think you will need some pair of soles.

    Maybe I can help you finding a way from Bergen to Trondheim.

    I am in that area for many years, taking (dutch :) ) people in the norwegian mountains in summer and wintertime.

    Last winter was very good, it was possible to go ski walking in Jotunheimen/Breheimen in june.

    Beside snow you have to be prepared to cross very...very wet area's in some mountainarea's in june.

    You can mail me: [email protected]

    Maybe we can have some phone conversations.

    If you go over Lofoten, I know a nice way to go and special campingsites!!

    You are planning an amazing walk!!!!!!!!

    Best regards,


  4. This trip, with all kind of outdoor activities,was very successful.

    We took the boat from Longyearbyen to Nordenskioldglacier, walk/ski up that glacier, ski/walk down the Mittag-Lefflerglacier to Hoglandlake, kayaking down the river from Hoglandlake to Weidefjorden and also kayaking some glacierrivers (rivers streaming on the glacier).

    I place some pictures on this forum.

    More information and amazing pictures from this trip can be seen at:


    Enjoy the pictures!








  5. Hello,

    Does anyone have experience with a digital camara, (such as Nikon D40/D80 or Canon EosD) on long wintertrips (2-3 weeks only outdoors).

    How is the camara doing and what about the battery?

    I am using the Canon Eos 300 for years now, but thinking of buying a digital camera (if they work good in the cold)

    Thanks for sending your respond. :wink:

  6. This expedition is looking for teammembers, also people who do not kayak are very welcome to join this trip.

    Most rivers on Spitsbergen are flat, shallow and boring but NOT this river.

    This river has a lot of water and mostly WW 2-3 with some class 4 rapids.

    To get to the river it will take some days of walking/skiing over glaciers (using the kayaks as a sledge).

    So the approach will be really special!!

    The whole trip is going to be really special but also very demanding, because everything has to be transported by walking/skiing. But the area is breathtaking!!

    This trip will be very`cool`, adventurous and funny. It is also possible to do small rivers which are streaming over the glaciers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The people who join this trip should have a great sense of adventure and be prepared for heavy walks.

    The trip will take place from half july 2007 and will be 3 weeks long.

    Everyone who is interested in joining this trip should send an email to:

    [email protected]

    Also people who do not kayak on this trip are very welcome.


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