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Jonas de Vries

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Om Jonas de Vries

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  1. Thanks for the answers, guys, and hope that bear doesn't get to near Cheers Jonas
  2. Thanks Vikern and Thess! I do know you need to be a DNT member; turns out I could get the key via the webshop if you are a member so that one is sorted! Good to know the have feeze-dried stuff in Kilpisjäravi, and I'm sure I can get gas there as well, if not in the supermarket, then at the petrol station or something. I understand you guys use the screw-on type canisters (Coleman type) in Scandinavia? Cheers Jonas
  3. Hello guys, hope you don't mind me writing this in English I want to walk the northern part of the Nordkalottleden at the end of August, from Kautokeino to Abisko. I think I've got it pretty much sorted, but I've stll got some questions maybe you guys could help me with... - There is a supermarket in Kilpisjärvi, I understand. But do they have freezedried food/gas canisters? - I understand you can get the DNT key from the customs office near the border with Norway? Or can I get the key somewhere in Kautokeino or Alta? Tried contacting the DNT itself, but they are not too quick with replying... - I reserved 2x10 days for the trip (10 days to Kilpisjärvi, 10 tot Abikso). Of course walking speed differs from person to person, but do you think that is enough? Cheers Jonas
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