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  1. Every night in the woods this time. After publishing the last show at Chestnut Knob Shelter I’ve made it the 55 miles to Woods Hole Hostel. Characters are becoming family and we’re caring about their lives as well as our own. Plenty of opportunities for copious eating and even the chance of a dip in a river. We’re nearly 30% of the way through and I continue to be surprised at my progress. Here’s to the next 70%!!! The post Episode #148 – Appalachian Trail (Days 56 to 59) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  2. I’ve spent the past four days hiking with my Buddy, Clay Bonnyman Evans. I trimmed back the mileage but have continued to feel better and better as I hiked. We even met some alpacas. As you can see from the pictures, the scenery remains glorious and the view from Chestnut Knob Shelter has to be one of the finest so far in the trail. The post Episode #147 – Appalachian Trail (Days 52 to 55) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  3. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Relevante linker for episoden Kjøp Frozen in time på Amazon Mer om boka Ved porten til Helvete Kjøp brukte bøker på Antikvariat.net Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Podcasten Uteliv samarbeider med: Camp Villmark Norges største villmarksmesse ( Norges Varemesse 26. til 28. april 2019) Gå til Podcasten
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  4. Three hard hiking days out of Damascus proved the perfect antidote to two days lying on my bed watching sport on TV. I was lucky enough to address some students studying the Appalachian Trail (yes, it’s a thing) while in Damascus. I rested and healed. When I got on the trail I fell right back into it and hiked more than 50 miles in three days, with the last day an impressive–and my first on this trip–twenty miles. I’m being joined over the next few days by a buddy who wanted to come hiking. Looking forward to it. The post Episode #146 – Appalachian Trail (Days 47 to 51) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  5. Påske Spesial fra Tur og Tøys! Opplev Erling Kagge lese fra sin egen bok "Stillhet - i støyens tid" på sin særegne arketypiske og avantgardiske måte. Vi ble såpass inspirert etter podcast-intervjuet vi hadde med Erling Kagge forleden, at vi bestemte oss for å følge opp med en helt egen spesial, for og til ære for Antarktis, de o store vidders mor og hennes altoppslukende stillhet. View the full article
  6. Erling Kagge var den første til å nå "de tre poler" - Nordpolen, Sydpolen og Everest. Aleks og Lars besøker polarhelten, forleggeren og kunstsamleren på Kagge forlag og er nysgjerrig på det meste. Hvorfor la han igjen batteriene til radioen sin på vei til Sydpolen? Hvor stille må det være før Erling hører sine egne tanker? Hvorfor er han en fan av heroic failure? Hva er så viktig med å gå sakte? Og hva gjorde stillheten i Antarktis med livet i etterkant? View the full article
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  7. It’s been an exhausting few days and my body is telling me to rest. I’m taking a double zero in Damascus, though I’m still getting in some good mileage days. I’ve visited a couple of great hostels recently and also had a night back in my tent. Tennessee has been wonderful but we’re now into Virginia for the next month and a half. When I move into West Virginia I’ll be nearly halfway there. The post Episode #145 – Appalachian Trail (Days 43 to 46) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  8. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Relevante linker for episoden Besøk Jens Kvernmo på nett Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Podcasten Uteliv samarbeider med: Camp Villmark Norges største villmarksmesse ( Norges Varemesse 26. til 28. april 2019) Gå til Podcasten
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  9. Another diverse few days, with tiredness, bailouts, glorious views, wonderful people, and poignant stories filling my days. From a sun-filled Carvers Gap I crossed the balds and revealed in both the physicality and the beauty. Then, a totally unexpected evening that filled my heart with joy with a bunch of new friends thrown in. A chance meeting with a listener led to another new and solid friendship that enabled me to complete my longest day and learn a tragic story. Today, a short hike into a wonderful new hostel. Things continue to go my way. The post Episode #144 – Appalachian Trail (Days 40 to 42) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  10. Aleks og Lars kommer omsider til saken, nemlig leserspørsmålene. Mats Jørgen blir peppet videre fra å ligge værfast med noen mentale tjuvtriks på tur. Karen drar oss atter en gang inn i jenter vs gutta debatten. Og hva er det egentlig med gutter og å bli enige om teltplass og veivalg? Og apropos veivalg, Aleksander røper sin største turtabbe! Og hurra, vi deler ut en Helsport Rage Spring sovepose til et supert lytterinnlegg. God Tur ! View the full article
  11. More miles and experiences under his belt, Steve is planning ahead to ensure that he extracts the best parts of his hike when the weather is cooperating. He has met up with a listener, spent time with several new people, witnessed the sunset from Beauty Spot, and is coping better and better with big climbs. He reached Carvers Gap today and is relishing a day of balds tomorrow. The post Episode #143 – Appalachian Trail (Days 36 to 39) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  12. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Relevante linker for episoden Se Jens i villmarka Se Helt alene Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Podcasten Uteliv samarbeider med: Camp Villmark Norges største villmarksmesse ( Norges Varemesse 26. til 28. april 2019) Gå til Podcasten
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  13. Another great few days, with weather extremes influencing the hike. Eventually, Steve learned–yet again–the importance of hiking your own hike. He has put in some fairly long days and found himself to be completely exhausted. Eventually, a plan was hatched and he is now in a far better frame of mind. The post Episode #142 – Appalachian Trail (Days 32 to 35) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  14. In this episode, Mark and Jonathan interview Paul and Missy McWalters from UGQ Outdoor. We start by chatting with Paul and Missy about how they started their family business in Paul’s underground apartment, and then chat about the challenges of working in a family business. We get into a chat about materials and testing, and then have a great discussion about what’s on everyone’s bucket list. After that, Jonathan and Mark chat about their footwear on the trail, and Gresh and Spiguyver finish up with a great Hanging Out segment about hammocks for the big and tall among us. Show Notes: As promised, here’s a link to the webcam looking into the UGQ Outdoor production space: https://ugqoutdoor.com/ugq-tv/ As always, we always invite your comments and suggestions on our Facebook page – like us there at https://www.facebook.com/hyohpodcast and join the conversation – we love the questions we have been getting for Mark and Gresh. You can listen to or subscribe to the podcast from a link on our home page online at https://www.hyohpodcast.com or give us a review on our page in iTunes. If you’d like to buy Mark and Jonathan a cup of coffee, go to https://www.hyohpodcast.com/donate to make a one-time donation, or you can donate monthly to our Patreon Campaign at https://www.patreon.com/hyohpodcast. As always, thanks so much for hanging around! Gå til artikkelen
  15. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Relevante linker for episoden Besøk Polarhundklubben på www.polarhund.no Ritas Kennel Wanvare Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Podcasten Uteliv samarbeider med: Camp Villmark Norges største villmarksmesse ( Norges Varemesse 26. til 28. april 2019) Gå til Podcasten
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  16. A short few days and a cloudy Max Patch. Getting the mileage up to 14s and 15s but still feeling tired, either through lack of sleep, lack of food, or both. Now in beautiful Hot Springs and enjoying the hospitality at Sunnybank Inn, or Elmer’s. Life is still good. The post Episode #141 – Appalachian Trail (Days 29 to 31) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  17. In this episode, we talk to the Alaskan writer, biologist, and adventurer Caroline Van Hemert. Caroline is an ornithologist who, along with her husband Pat, undertook a 4,000-mile human-powered journey from Bellingham Washington to Kotzebue, a small town high above the arctic circle. Caroline’s written a book about her journey, The Sun is a Compass. The book weaves together a lot of threads: the path Caroline’s life took to get to the start of her journey, her relationship with her husband, her life as a scientist, her feelings about motherhood: it’s a great read. Our interview covers all that and more. So sit back, relax, and enjoy our conversation with Caroline Van Hemert. Click here for show notes This podcast is brought to you ad-free by the subscribing members of backpackinglight.com. Please leave us a review and rating, it helps other people find our show! View the full article
  18. This is the Smokies Part II episode. With five days the cover the mileage may seem unimpressive. However, within those five days, there are two “nearos” and a “zero.” This has been a pretty brutal few days with snow, bone-jarring cold, warmth, slush, and a seemingly endless climb down out of these iconic mountains. In retrospect, I think that, while I’m glad they are over, the Smokies will stay in my mind long after the snow has melted and I’m pushing my way through Virginia. The post Episode #140 – Appalachian Trail (Days 24 to 28) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  19. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Relevante linker for episoden Besøk Lars Andreas Dybvik på www.uskarp.no Profesjonell facebookside facebookside Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Podcasten Uteliv samarbeider med: Camp Villmark Norges største villmarksmesse ( Norges Varemesse 26. til 28. april 2019) Gå til Podcasten
  20. It’s Smokies Week on the show and plenty of uphills on the way to Clingmans Dome. I became part of, and lost, my first tramily, and loved my time with them. I also met the very sweet Little Foot (follow her YouTube channel “Hike with Little Foot”) and the enormously positive Posi (@MattBurnsFat on Facebook and Instagram). I even hiked with Ryan Hopkins and his buddy Chris. Ryan is the man putting this show out every week. It was great to meet up with both of them. Now, I’m alone again and getting out of the Smokies in a couple of days. Max Patch and Hot Springs are upcoming highlights. The post Episode #139 – Appalachian Trail (Days 20 to 23) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  21. Tur og Tøys vandrer hvileløst og studioløse rundt i Oslos gater og viser kunsten med å gå rundt grøten etter vann. Omsider blir vi med på kåring av Årets TURJENTE (Spoiler Alert: Guro Krempig). Hva vil det å si være turjente-ambassadør? Er det bare fordeler, eller kan du risikere å bli stalket ned? Og når kommer TURGUTTER.no ? Aleks og Lars funderer på - hva kan vi gutta lære av jentene på tur? Er jentene tregere ut av teltet? Har de mer system i sakene? Og hvordan blir gutta når de har MANSEN? Og hva i all verden skal man egentlig med skjegg på tur!!? Send oss DIN mening - hva er de største ulikhetene mellom gutter og jenter på tur, og vinn freebees! View the full article
  22. Another few days with varying fortunes. The week started disastrously with the loss of a vital piece of equipment. The views continued to make the heart fly and the Smoky Mountain got closer and closer. Along the way, the humanity of hikers was on full display, especially one night in a very full shelter (Picture thanks to Ashley “Boomer” Enders). These are the evenings to relish and the ones that will stick in my mind long after the hike is over. Now, after my longest day, I’m set to tackle the Smokies from Sunday and hope to report back after I reach Newfound Gap. Bring ‘em on. The post Episode #138 – Appalachian Trail (Days Seventeen to Nineteen) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  23. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Nettsted www.randulfvalle.no Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Podcasten Uteliv samarbeider med: Camp Villmark Norges største villmarksmesse ( Norges Varemesse 26. til 28. april 2019) Gå til Podcasten
  24. Another three-day stint between stops in town took Steve from Franklin to Nantahala Outdoor Center. Before he even left Franklin, however, he started with one of the finest breakfasts that he has ever had. Listen to what he had. Another view, this time with Rowemer in the foreground, was taken from about 5,000 feet elevation. The rain has stayed away and an opportunity to catch a perfect sunrise came just north of Cold Spring Shelter. While the picture doesn’t do justice to the moment, you can see how a dry day can paint such gorgeous pictures in the sky. The post Episode #137 – Appalachian Trail (Days Fourteen to Sixteen) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  25. The trail has been testing this past four days. Steve left Dick’s Creek Gap last Thursday morning and has now reached Franklin NC after three nights in the woods. 48 hours of rain and not enough food has been testing but he has managed to push through. He is already learning how different his two journeys are going to be, with new challenges making him manage his clothing a little differently to last time. He has met a few families along the trail and two of them share their stories this week. The post Episode #136 – Appalachian Trail (Days Ten to Thirteen) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
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