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  1. We’ve had a productive few days, including the longest day I’ve ever done on the AT. Trigger and I are currently a 2-person “tramily” as Cushy and Dodger Dog are a day ahead. We’ve supported one another and kept each other honest as hikers. The miles are melting away and I’m speculating that I’ll finish earlier than I’d previously imagined. The post Episode #159 – Appalachian Trail (Days 97 to 100) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  2. Del 2 av vår passe sære gjennomgang av moderne Antarktis-eventyr. Vi er i vår tids gullalder for norske ekspedisjoner, nemlig 90-tallet. Dette er tiåret for de legendariske "first"-milepælene, Kagge, Ousland, Arnesen, Zahl Pedersen, Ousland igjen osv. Så hvis du er en sånn - enjoy :) View the full article
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  3. In this post, Jonathan and Mark interview Frozen, a backpacker and popular vlogger currently hiking the AT. We chat with Frozen about some of his experiences planning for a long hike, along with some of the things that have happened to him along the way (hint: don’t put a tent in a lean-to). We finish up with a quick chat about stuff we hate while camping. After that, Jonathan and Mark chat about the way hammock camping has become a much more international pastime, and how many people from all over the world are adding hammocks to their kit. Thanks to Benjamin Kos for the great links! Finally, Gresh and Spiguyver discuss trail safety, bug nets, and riff on ridgelines. Show Notes: Germans can share experiences on the forum https://www.haengemattenforum.de There is a great FB forum for European Hammockers here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fotografiskt If you’d like to buy within the EU, you can find your kit here: https://www.momojord.se/kontakt And finally, another store in the Netherlands that isn’t Dutchware: https://dutchhammockstore.nl/ As always, we always invite your comments and suggestions on our Facebook page – like us there at https://www.facebook.com/hyohpodcast and join the conversation – we love the questions we have been getting for Mark and Gresh. You can listen to or subscribe to the podcast from a link on our home page online at https://www.hyohpodcast.com or give us a review on our page in iTunes. If you’d like to buy Mark and Jonathan a cup of coffee, go to https://www.hyohpodcast.com/donate to make a one-time donation, or you can donate monthly to our Patreon Campaign at https://www.patreon.com/hyohpodcast. As always, thanks so much for hanging around! Gå til artikkelen
  4. With the tramily now down to two of us, Trigger and I have made steady progress in Pennsylvania. The Mason Dixon Line, the halfway point, and the 1100 mile marker were all passed in quick succession. We’re hoping that Cushy will catch us in the next day or so and that Dodger Dog may slow down so that we can hike with her again. This week, without any interviews, I’ve added some impressions of how some of my gear is working out. The post Episode #158 – Appalachian Trail (Days 94 to 96) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  5. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Relevante linker for episoden Psykolog med sovepose på Instagram Facebook Blogg Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten
  6. The past three days have taken us through Maryland to the edge of Pennsylvania. It didn’t turn out to be the easy state I’d remembered. We were honored to have the company of Laurie Potteiger from ATC as our hiking companion for part of the first day and she was a charming and informative guide to all things AT. Another member of the class of 2019 passed me and I was reminded once more that it isn’t the big animals that you need to watch out for. The post Episode #157 – Appalachian Trail (Days 91 to 93) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  7. This episode of the Backpacking Light Podcast is a deep dive into the world of upright canister stoves. Canister stoves are notoriously difficult to compare accurately. Variations in testing conditions and methodology make any head-to-head comparisons suspect at best, especially when using manufacturer generated data. That’s why we developed StoveBench and spent hundreds of hours applying the methodology to virtually every sub-four ounce upright canister stove on the market. The result is a 15,000 word gear guide chock full of graphs, charts, raw data, and our purchase recommendations for a variety of needs. In this podcast Ryan and Andrew use both StoveBench and the Upright Canister Stove Gear Guide as a springboard for their conversation. Ryan and Andrew get things rolling by recommending that you listen to the StoveBench episode of the BPL Pod, read the StoveBench article on the website, or (preferably) both. After that they spend some time laying the groundwork for stove comparisons: how they define the category, how they judge stove performance, and how they went about testing those performance considerations. The last half of the pod is a convo covering a few of the stoves that stood out in the gear guide (good and bad!). As the episode unfolds, Ryan shares his thoughts on how design features affect performance, and Andrew gets into cost considerations. The guys wrap the episode with the champs: the two stoves that stood out in nearly every test. Spoiler alert: they aren’t the lightest. Click here for show notes This podcast is brought to you ad-free by the subscribing members of backpackinglight.com. Please leave us a review and rating, it helps other people find our show! View the full article
  8. We’ve made it to Harpers Ferry, the traditional halfway point. I’m tired, sore, and feel accomplished. The tramily is starting to break up, a natural progression as members come and go. With a bit of luck, we’ll reform in a week or so. The good thing about the trail is that these things are fluid, with plenty of opportunities to meet new and old friends as time goes by. Looking forward to the second half. The post Episode #156 – Appalachian Trail (Days 87 to 90) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  9. We’ve finished with Shenandoah National Park. It turned out to be a great place that we all thoroughly enjoyed. With Ugh leaving for Trail Days, our little group has been augmented by the lovely Dodger Dog. Her youth and vitality have lifted our spirits. Listeners have continued to reach out and help us while old family friends prove that, as they always do, there is nothing like the love of family. The post Episode #155 – Appalachian Trail (Days 84 to 86) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  10. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg Uteliv på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Relevante linker for episoden Lars Nilsen finner du her: Facebook Nett Last ned boka Nordmarka – en fiskehistorie Les mer om boka Ørretens norgeshistorie Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten
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  11. Today’s episode is a TECH SHORT. In this episode we talk about StoveBench: Backpacking Light’s new protocol for standardizing stove performance comparisons. Today’s episode is a TECH SHORT. In this episode we talk about StoveBench: Backpacking Light’s new protocol for standardizing stove performance comparisons. We just published our huge Upright Canister Stove Gear Guide, in which we evaluated over 30 different upright canister stove stoves, eventually putting 17 through a variety of StoveBench tests. In light of that article we wanted to take a few minutes to more fully explain StoveBench. In developing StoveBench, Ryan’s goal was to create a protocol capable of producing replicable results from home testing spaces all over the world. Ryan begins the episode by explaining two important metrics: power and efficiency. Andrew gives a little backstory on why it was necessary to create StoveBench, and Ryan explains the protocol’s nut and bolts. After that the guys run through a few of the questions that commonly crop up around StoveBench. Click here for show notes This podcast is brought to you ad-free by the subscribing members of backpackinglight.com. Please leave us a review and rating, it helps other people find our show! View the full article
  12. Lars dykker ned i arkivet og vi starter vår triumfferd gjennom moderne turer i Antarktis. I den første av tre poder, dykker vi ned i "starten" på 80-tallet, med Det advares kraftig mot å høre på, kun for ekspedisjonsnerder som har alvorlige senskader av. I denne episoden hører vi blant annet om Vivian Fuchs og Edmund Hillary på 50-tallet, ALE, Seven Summits, Monica Kristensen, Sjur og Simen Mørdre, ulike ruter, Berkner Island. Og hvorfor i all verden får du så pepper av høyden i Antarktis? View the full article
  13. Aleksander og Lars diskuterer hverdagens små og store eventyr, alt fra 17.mai, bryllup og innsendte dohistoriere. Men i dag lykkes de faktisk å komme fram til dagens tema - Grønlandskryssinger. Vi diskuterer alt fra piteraq`er, trening, frostskader og brefallet. Og hva bør du gjøre hvis du har lyst til å krysse innlandsisen, uten å gå i en organisert gruppe? Og hvilken eventyrer ville egentlig Lars og Ebbesen vært, levende eller døde? I det filosofiske hjørne diskuterer de to turidiotene også hvordan ta best mulig vare på øyeblikket. Woila ! View the full article
  14. It has been a wonderful six days with the Shenandoah National Park as the backdrop. I’ve been gobsmacked (wonderful English expression) by the kindness of others, with probably the surprise of my life coming on the first morning out of Rockfish Gap. Further “Magic” later in the week confirmed my feeling of being loved. The post Episode #154 – Appalachian Trail (Days 78 to 83) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  15. Relevante lenker for Podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Relevante linker for episoden Lars Nilsen finner du her: Facebook Nett Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten
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  16. Four days of SOBO and NOBO hiking, with RTK joining us for a couple of very wet, quite testing days. We learn about the attacks and the trail has become a sadder place. How we recover from this desperately sad incident will say a lot about the character of the Class of 2019. The post Episode #153 – Appalachian Trail (Days 74 to 77) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  17. Bruce Matson (RTK) asks Mighty Blue listeners’ questions, with subjects ranging from interesting characters, food, a comparison between his two AT hikes to lessons learned. The post Episode #152 – Appalachian Trail (RTK interviews Mighty Blue) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  18. The forest is greening up rapidly. Our team is still together but issues are arising. Not between the four of us but in our own physical frailties that this hike examines. I’ve switched out several items from my winter gear and dropped about eight pounds in weight from my pack. The difference is startling. Next week we hit the Shenandoahs. Can’t wait. The post Episode #151 – Appalachian Trail (Days 68 to 73) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  19. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Relevante linker for episoden Følg Tursøstre på: Instagram Facebook Nett Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten
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  20. In this episode, Mark and Jonathan interview James Jackson from Little Shop of Hammocks. We chat with James about his experience camping and in the outdoors, then discuss some of the challenges and opportunities of being a hammock and quilt supplier in Canada. James shares some great ideas about where to go camping in Canada, along with some interesting custom work he’s done. We finish up with a quick chat about “stupid heavy” stuff to bring backpacking. After that, Jonathan and Mark chat about fussing over suspension, and Gresh and Spiguyver finish up with a great Hanging Out segment about how to decide on investing in one’s quilts. Show Notes: Check out the Hammock Camping Canada Facebook group and participate! As always, we always invite your comments and suggestions on our Facebook page – like us there at https://www.facebook.com/hyohpodcast and join the conversation – we love the questions we have been getting for Mark and Gresh. You can listen to or subscribe to the podcast from a link on our home page online at https://www.hyohpodcast.com or give us a review on our page in iTunes. If you’d like to buy Mark and Jonathan a cup of coffee, go to https://www.hyohpodcast.com/donate to make a one-time donation, or you can donate monthly to our Patreon Campaign at https://www.patreon.com/hyohpodcast. As always, thanks so much for hanging around! Gå til artikkelen
  21. It has been an epic few days, with the Virginia Triple Crown of Dragon’s Tooth, McAfee Knob, and Tinker Cliffs now behind us. Once more, new and old friends have shared these extraordinary moments and we’re all grateful for the times we’ve shared together. If you have any questions for me, please send them to Bruce Matson–who will be interviewing me in the next week or so at: [email protected]. Bruce will send the best questioners a copy of his new book Platinum Blazing the Appalachian Trail. The post Episode #150 – Appalachian Trail (Days 65 to 67) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  22. Odd Harald Hauge er en livsglad eventyrer, forretningsmann og ikke minst - forfatter. Han har titalls Svalbard-turer bak seg, flere fartsrekorder over Grønland og Sydpolen med Cato Zahl Pedersen og Tur og Tøys Lars Ebbesen. Blant annet. Vi ramler inn på kontoret hans kort tid før lanseringsfest på hans nyeste bok - Storebjørn! En skikkelig Svalbard-thriller! Men hvorfor må han egentlig gå så raskt! Og hva ønsker en ensom fangstmann seg, sånn egentlig? Og rekker vi egentlig polet? Nok en gang forsøker vi oss på en agenda, men håpløst. Vi skylder på Odd Haralds utømmelige historier. Vi kommer antakelig til omtrent dag 3 på Norges første Svalbard på Langs. Uten dunjakker. På 14 dager. View the full article
  23. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Relevante linker for episoden Følg Tonje på: Instagram Facebook Nett Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten
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  24. A week with a new Tramily. It has been fun to hike with Ugh, Cushy Life, and Trigger for the past few days. I’ve been upping my miles to keep up with them but they’ve kept me honest as a hiker. We’re about to hit the Virginia Triple Crown with Dragon’s Tooth, McAfee Knob, and Tinker Cliffs to come. Can’t wait. The post Episode #149 – Appalachian Trail (Days 60 to 64) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  25. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Relevante linker for episoden Psykolog med sovepose på Instagram Facebook Blogg Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten
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