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Randulf Valle -Laksens livssyklus #2 – Med Eva B Thorstad
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Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Relevante linker for episoden Vitenskapelig råd for lakseforvaltning Lakseregisteret Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten -
I first heard of Rob and Gavin on the trail when Rob’s wife, Beth, wrote to me in May to tell me about their journey. The family had been listening to the podcast for some time as they prepared for the AT. Now that they were on the trail, Beth wanted to update me on their progress. I knew that Gavin was struggling a bit, so I reached back out and tried to give some encouragement, telling that I’d like to hear their story when they were done with the AT. I’m really glad that we were able to get them on the show because Gavin had an especially poignant message for hikers of all ages. Hiker’s Welcome was one of the hostels that I enjoyed in 2019 AND 2014, so I asked John Robblee, or Packrat to come on the show and tell us about this iconic stopping point. You can reach the hostel at 603-989-0040, or find them online at Finally, Paul Stutzman’s Hiking Through finds Paul running into trouble in almost the same spot that I did, back in 2014. Not so happy memories! The post Episode #193 – Rob and Gavin Duncan (Waffle and Hawkeye) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
Den 29.januar arrangerer vi (og Helsport) STOR Eventyraften på Chateau Neuf i Oslo - med Børge Ousland og Mike Horn som hovedtrekkplaster. Her skal også Årets Eventyrer kåres og masse feite premier skal skifte eier. Vi får også innblikk i hvilke turprosjekter Lars (Theresa) jobber med om dagen View the full article
Randulf Valle -Laksens livssyklus #1 – med Eva B. Thorstad
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Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Relevante linker for episoden Vitenskapelig råd for lakseforvaltning Lakseregisteret Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten -
Steve Adams -Episode #192 – Jess Jordan (Yalla)
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When we met Yalla on our thru-hike earlier this year, Trigger and I were immediately drawn to her as a person but it was her name that stuck with us for the rest of our journey. Yalla tells us about her flip flop, starting at Harpers Ferry on the way to Katahdin then southbound from Harpers to Springer. She recounts two different hikes, which is the way she segmented them in her mind. As luck would have it, she ran into a friend of mine in Georgia and when my friend mentioned Mighty Blue, they knew that had a friend in common. I’m so pleased that I got the chance to talk with her again. Tina Tempest is the owner of Quarterway Inn, a hostel about 550 miles (or a quarter of the way) into a NOBO hike. I stayed at the Inn this year and loved it. Tina tells us about why she decided to run a hostel and the various services that she provides. I was told before I hit the trail this year that Quarterway was a “must stay.” That advice turned out to be spot on. You can find out more about the hostel–and book it from April thru June–at Paul Stutzman, from his book, Hiking Thru, moves farther up the trail, losing one partner and gaining another, if only for a short time. The post Episode #192 – Jess Jordan (Yalla) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article -
Randulf ValleNorge på langs – med Isak Knutsen
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Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Relevante linker for episoden Isak Knutsen på Facebook Nett Instagram YouTube´ Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten -
When Darrell and Alicia set out to hike the AT in 2018 they assumed that they would hike the whole way together. It didn’t work out that way and, as a result, they have different perspectives of the same hike. When injury strikes, it is important to know beforehand what the plan would be for a couple on the trail. Darrell and Alicia had already decided what they would do, and one carried on without the other until they finally summited together at Katahdin. The Brimberrys kept a journal that you can find at the link below. Also this week, I reply to a listener’s question and speak with Chica and Sunsets on their new venture. Finally, Chapter Ten of Paul Stutzman’s Hiking Thru finds Paul at Roan Mountain. The post Episode #191 – Darrell and Alicia Brimberry (Next Step and Which Way) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
In this episode, Jonathan and Mark say hello and introduce the new hosts, Chris Duffy and Todd Quest. After that, Jonathan and Mark interview the new hosts and then Chris and Todd turn the tables around and interview Jonathan and Mark. The topics are wide ranging and it is a fun way to transition to the new hosts and thank Jonathan and Mark for all they have done to get to this episode! As always, we always invite your comments and suggestions on our Facebook page – like us there at and join the conversation – we love the questions we have been getting for Mark and Gresh. You can listen to or subscribe to the podcast from a link on our home page online at or give us a review on our page in iTunes. If you’d like to buy Todd a cup of coffee (or a cup of tea for Chris), go to to make a one-time donation, or you can donate monthly to our Patreon Campaign at As always, thanks so much for hanging around! Gå til artikkelen
Tur & Tøys tar en statusoppdatering på arktiskryssingen til Børge Ousland og Mike Horn. De har nå nådd nordpolen og fortsetter inn i kaldere tider. Hva prater de om? Hvordan er driften ute på isen? Hvordan er stemningen i teltet mon tro? Hvilke triks drar de ut av ermet? Hør også om den nye Åsnes Børge skien som er ute på markedet nå. View the full article
Tur & Tøys tar en statusoppdatering på arktiskryssingen til Børge Ousland og Mike Horn. De har nå nådd nordpolen og fortsetter inn i kaldere tider. Hva prater de om? Hvordan er driften ute på isen? Hvordan er stemningen i teltet mon tro? Hvilke triks drar de ut av ermet? Hør også om den nye Åsnes Børge skien som er ute på markedet nå. View the full article
Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten
Today’s guest is Jeff Garmire (trail name Legend). In the summer of 2019 Jeff achieved the fastest known time on Vermont’s iconic Long Trail, clocking all 272 miles in five days, twenty- three hours, and forty-eight minutes. Prior to that he set unsupported and over-all FKT on the Arizona Trail, completed the Great Western Loop, and completed a Calendar Year Triple crown, among other accomplishments. When he isn’t hiking, Jeff is a public speaker and hiking coach / mentor. He also just released a book called “Free Outside: A Trek Against Time and Distance,” which chronicles his Calendar Year Triple Crown. Ryan and Andrew talk to Jeff about the nuts and bolts of his Long Trail FKT before transitioning into a conversation about mental health, relationships, and the philosophy of speed records. Click here for show notes This podcast is brought to you ad-free by the subscribing members of Please leave us a review and rating, it helps other people find our show. View the full article
We’ve had a variety of guests on the show over the past three years but I’m pretty confident that no guest (or guests) has ever been as laid back about their journey as Sahada Buckley and Luke Runels. They were out in the woods to get away from life’s distractions, playing music, singing, and avoiding much of the modern paraphernalia of everyday life. Often going radio silent, Sahada and Luke experienced the trail in a way I’ve never heard before. They took more than a week in Washington DC and even longer in New York City. The first three photographs in these notes are credited to Carly Geraci, while I wanted to include a pic of Luke lying, seemingly asleep, on a railway track. Love it! We also have Julie “Jester” Gayheart, our new host on “Jester” Section Hiker, a podcast coming soon. Julie shares a bit of news and gives a preview of what you can expect with the show. Finally, Paul Stutzman’s Hiking Through reaches the trail town of Hot Springs, where a bike ride triggers some difficult memories. The post Episode #190 – Sahada Buckley and Luke Runels (Cloud and Leaf) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
Randulf ValleEn god natt søvn – med Bengt Rotmo
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Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten -
Boston and Cubby have been long-distance hiking for nearly 15 years, having started with the Appalachian Trail in 2005. During that time they have completed the Triple Crown, climbed Mt Kilimanjaro, done the American Discovery Trail and the Long Trail. They even found time to hike across the state of Rhode Island! They have simplified both their hiking style and their lives, finding peace and their desired solitude along America’s trails. You can find out more about Julie and Barry’s journeys at the following links. They are also on Instagram at backpax and on Twitter at backpax14 Katy Amphlett completed the Mighty Blue Class of 2019 debriefs by letting us know how she got on this year. Whatever happened, we beat the odds overall. The post Episode #189 – Julie Obear and Barry King (Boston and Cubby) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
- Jeg var den eneste ekspedisjonslederen i rassonen som ikke begravet noen av mine. Og det var flaks. Ordene tilhører redningsleder, politimann og Hvitserks ekspedisjonsleder til Everest i 2015, Inge Meløy. For hva skjer egentlig når det største jordskjelvet i Asia på 80 år treffer Everestklatrerne? Hva skjer med hodet i en slik krisesituasjon? Tur og Tøys dykker grundig inn i de vanskelige diskusjonene. Hvordan forbereder man teamet før en slik ekspedisjon? Og hvem bestemmer om man skal snu 20 min unna toppen? Og bør klatrerne eller basecamp ha øverste veto i forhold til beslutninger? Hvordan fungerer vi under stress? Hva gjør vi for å regulere stresset i krisesituasjoner. Inge Meløy deler verdifulle tips når det katastrofen rammer, og det koker som aller verst mellom øra. View the full article
Randulf ValleUndertøy for turbruk – med Bengt Rotmo
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Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Relevante linker for episoden Museet Kystens Arv Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten -
Steve AdamsEpisode #188 – Dianne Seger (Lady Di)
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Lady Di was part of one of my earlier “tramilies.” We spent quite a bit of time together around Fontana Dam and the Smokies but were separated after that. She was yet another example of a fiercely independent, strong woman who brought a lot to the trail this year. Starting her hike less than a week after her retirement, she was slow but steady throughout her journey. I particularly remember her cooking “real” food every night, unlike my own pathetic efforts. Now that she has finished the trail–just a week before this conversation–she is still coming to terms with the impact of the hike on her and starting to adjust to retirement. Tina Dunaway is the last but one of the Mighty Blue Class of 2019 and she has her own story that tells why she finished the trail after 600 miles. It isn’t a happy ending but certainly one with hope for the future. The post Episode #188 – Dianne Seger (Lady Di) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article -
In this podcast, we address three key questions: What are clothing systems and why is it important to consider clothing in the context of a system? What does it mean when we talk about inclement conditions or summer vs. 3-season or 4-season backpacking? What pieces of clothing do we need to add or replace in our summer system in order to be better prepared for 3-season or inclement conditions? Click here for SHOW NOTES This podcast is brought to you ad-free by the subscribing members of Please leave us a review and rating, it helps other people find our show. View the full article
Aleksander og Lars samles for å løse nye verdensproblemer ispedd andre trivielle oppdateringer. Hvordan blir egentlig rumpa når en sykler Trondheim - Oslo på en velosiped? Og hva skjer når en stikker en flaggstang inn i fremhjulet? Og hva er det egentlig Børge Ousland og Mike Horn har lagt ut på i polhavet? Går det an å krysse Arktis på den tynne årsisen så tidlig i sesongen? Til slutt skjenker vi en tanke til Kjartan Bergsvåg, som langt inne i Sibirs villmark lastet ned tidenes dårligste practical joke av en podcast. View the full article
Backpackinglight -SKILLS SHORT: Family Backpacking
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Introducing children to the world of backpacking can be an amazing, uplifting experience. It can also go totally sideways. In this SKILLS SHORT Ryan and Andrew talk about best practices for family backpacking: route planning, trip types, gear, type one vs type two fun (kid edition!), safety, communication, and more. Click here for show notes: This podcast is brought to you ad-free by the subscribing members of Please leave us a review and rating, it helps other people find our show View the full article -
Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Relevante linker for episoden Villmarksbarna på Facebook Villmarksbarna på nett Filmen Villmarksbarna – en eventyrlig reise på filmweb Friluftsbokfestivalen 2019 Nettside Facebook Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten
Steve AdamsEpisode #187 – Jason Elwood (Bamboo)
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I met Jason and his friends in 2014. They were on the trail helping other hikers while achieving their own hiking goals at the same time. I don’t believe that I quite understood how much their journey was geared towards supporting others until we spoke on the show. Since then, Jason has completed both the Pacific Crest Trail and, very recently, the Continental Divide Trail, to complete hiking’s Triple Crown. All these hikes have been motivated by the same theme of helping others while sharing his faith. You can find out more about Jason and his mission work at You can also follow him on Facebook at and on Instagram at We also caught up with another member of the Mighty Blue Class of 2019, Carlton Johnson and he proved to have such a positive experience on the trail, despite not finishing it this time. Finally, Paul Stutzman has reached North Carolina, with Georgia now in his rear-view mirror. The post Episode #187 – Jason Elwood (Bamboo) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article -
In this episode, Jonathan and Mark get a chance to talk to a bunch of folks who have experience managing group hangs in their region. A big thanks to Addam Wesneski, Stacy Adams, Kristal Bentley, and Juan Quinones, all of whom were a great help to learn the ins and outs of doing a great job hosting a group of hangers. After the interview, almost all of us decided that the fall is a great season for camping unless you live in Southern California. After the panel discussion, Mark and Jonathan (and our new host Chris) chat with Shug about his experience carrying lighter and heavier loads, and the decisions that lead to carrying more weight for more comfort. Finally Gresh and Spiguyver have some good and novel ideas for handling the condensation we all experience when using a bugnet or top cover in cold weather. Show Notes: – If you want to find a group hang in your area, click here to see the forum in hammock – Check out Shug’s frost bib in this cool YouTube video. – If you have a Chameleon, you can try out Dutch’s new Breathalyzer. As always, we always invite your comments and suggestions on our Facebook page – like us there at and join the conversation – we love the questions we have been getting for Mark and Gresh. You can listen to or subscribe to the podcast from a link on our home page online at or give us a review on our page in iTunes. If you’d like to buy Mark and Jonathan a cup of coffee, go to to make a one-time donation, or you can donate monthly to our Patreon Campaign at As always, thanks so much for hanging around! Gå til artikkelen
Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Relevante linker for episoden Cato Bekkevold på Facebook Se håkjerringa fra på 775 kilo fra 1987 hos NRK Intromusikk: "Palatine Light" av 1099 Brukt med tillatelse fra opphavsperson. Gå til Podcasten