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In this episode, Jonathan and Mark welcome an amazing guest co-host! Melanie Lamere, known as lilprincess in Hammock Forums, leads a round-table conversation with Junebug, Baja, Connie, Colleen, and Sue about their experiences and concerns as women when they go hammock camping. After talking about their experiences, they discuss the idea of “packing to your fears”. If you have a spouse or daughter you would like to introduce to hammock camping, this is the episode to share with them! After the round table, Mark, Melanie and Jonathan discuss the costs of hammock camping, how they sometimes build up, and how a frugal camper can avoid spending a lot of money at once. Acknowledgements go this month to 2 episode sponsors – Haute Hammock, a fine purveyor of hammock-related t-shirt designs, and Yukon Outfitters, a US-based manufacturer of hammock camping gear, along with a line of outdoors-related products. Listen to our episode for a discount code on your next order! Show Notes: Backpacking Adventures discusses the idea of “packing to your fears” in this interesting blog article. As always, we are also inviting comments and suggestions on our Facebook page – like us there at http://www.facebook.com/hyohpodcast and join the conversation. You can listen to or subscribe to the podcast from a link on our home page online at https://www.hyohpodcast.com. If you are really enjoying our podcast and want to see us reach our goal of two podcasts per episode, please be sure to become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/hyohpodcast. If you’d rather not become a monthly patron but would still like to buy Mark and Jonathan a cup of coffee, go to https://paypal.me/hyohpocast to make a one-time donation. Thanks so much for hanging around! Gå til artikkelen
podcastEpisode 10 – Grizz: Professor of Hammocks
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In this episode, Jonathan and Mark get a chance to talk to someone who has been hanging around in hammocks for quite a while – Grizz, or Professor Hammock (depending upon which YouTube series you choose to view at the time). Grizz brings a lot of experience in the industry, along with some interesting conversation about types of hammocks, his new Ariel hammock, fun with DIY, and some truly sage advice to backpackers about carrying your fears and concerns. We even get in some chitchat about the remote possibility of a Hammock Camping Merit Badge! After chatting with Grizz, Jonathan and Mark have a discussion about some of the knots they’ve learned from working with hammocks. Acknowledgements go this month to 2 episode sponsors – Haute Hammock, a fine purveyor of hammock-related t-shirt designs, and Yukon Outfitters, a US-based manufacturer of hammock camping gear, along with a line of outdoors-related products. Listen to our episode for a discount code on your next order! Show Notes: The orginal ‘Bridge Hammock’ thread: https://hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php/1297-Bridge-Hammock A pic of Grizz sleeping on his stomach: https://www.hammockforums.net/gallery/files/4/2/3/nap-time.jpg The sewing video we talked about: https://www.facebook.com/141871842631180/videos/639982352820124/ Grizz’s first hammock video, not under ‘Professor Hammock’ but made for the ‘build a patented hammock design’ contest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmiSmcelD1Y A link to the Professor Hammock youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL2uKv540t4pv0S1TNQRbhw Finally, a link to Grog’s Knots (a site with animations showing how to tie the knots that we discuss in today’s discussion segment, along with many many others: http://www.animatedknots.com/ As always, we are also inviting comments and suggestions on our Facebook page – like us there at http://www.facebook.com/hyohpodcast and join the conversation. You can listen to or subscribe to the podcast from a link on our home page online at https://www.hyohpodcast.com. If you are really enjoying our podcast and want to see us reach our goal of two podcasts per episode, please be sure to become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/hyohpodcast. Thanks so much and keep on hanging around! Gå til artikkelen -
For this episode, Mark and Jonathan travel to Trail Days in Damascus, VA to interview some long-distance hikers who have found that hanging from the trees lets them get the rest they need to make their miles. They also interview some of the hammock camping vendors who attended the Trail Days festivals to show their new products and let folks interact with their product. Also in this episode, we discuss safety for hammock campers, and camping in general. They touch on a recent incident in which a young hammocker was killed by an improper hang, and discuss some general ideas for safely camping and being prepared for the worst. Finally, thanks to HauteHammock.com for being an Episode Sponsor for this episode – get 15% off of your next order by using the code “HYOH15” in the shopping cart. Show Notes/Links: News article about hammock camping incident: http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/2016/05/16/brick-pillar-collapse-kills-child-des-moines-home/84471340/ Web app with “deadman switch”: https://www.hikeralert.com/ As always, we are also inviting comments and suggestions on our Facebook page – like us there at http://www.facebook.com/hyohpodcast and join the conversation. You can listen to or subscribe to the podcast from a link on our home page online at https://www.hyohpodcast.com. If you are really enjoying our podcast and want to continue to hear more, please be sure to become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/hyohpodcast. Thanks so much and keep on hanging around! Gå til artikkelen
For our eighth episode, we kick it up a notch – a notch high up in a tree, that is. Jonathan and Mark interview Logan Spader, also known as “TreeFool”, and find out why he loves to hang way up in a tree. We learn about his climbing techniques, tricks for staying safe and warm, and even get some sage advice for those of us who don’t like to get out of our sleeping bags in the middle of the night. Logan also shares with us his concerns for the world he’s bringing new life into, and what he’s doing to try to make it a better place. After chatting with Logan, Mark and Jonathan discuss hammock stands, and how they allow anyone who wants to hammock camp without trees the opportunity to get off of the ground when there aren’t any other options. Finally, Jonathan and Mark have the first of several quick chats with Tyler Conlin from Ultimate Hammocks. He’s bringing a brand-new lightweight hammock suspension to market on Kickstarter and we’re going to follow him through his process. Show notes/links: The Last Child in the Woods, by Richard Louv (Amazon link) Mosquito Hammock, maker of the batwing hammock. NY Times article about sleeping in New York’s Central Park Trees Hammock Forums thread about the turltledog stand Handy Hammock – engineered hammock stand (UK Manufacturer) Trail Days Map – Jonathan and Mark will be there on Saturday in space #617 Gå til artikkelen
For our eighth episode, we kick it up a notch – a notch high up in a tree, that is. Jonathan and Mark interview Logan Spader, also known as “TreeFool”, and find out why he loves to hang way up in a tree. We learn about his climbing techniques, tricks for staying safe and warm, and even get some sage advice for those of us who don’t like to get out of our sleeping bags in the middle of the night. Logan also shares with us his concerns for the world he’s bringing new life into, and what he’s doing to try to make it a better place. After chatting with Logan, Mark and Jonathan discuss hammock stands, and how they allow anyone who wants to hammock camp without trees the opportunity to get off of the ground when there aren’t any other options. Finally, Jonathan and Mark have the first of several quick chats with Tyler Conlin from Ultimate Hammocks. He’s bringing a brand-new lightweight hammock suspension to market on Kickstarter and we’re going to follow him through his process. Show notes/links: The Last Child in the Woods, by Richard Louv (Amazon link) Mosquito Hammock, maker of the batwing hammock. NY Times article about sleeping in New York’s Central Park Trees Hammock Forums thread about the turltledog stand Handy Hammock – engineered hammock stand (UK Manufacturer) Trail Days Map – Jonathan and Mark will be there on Saturday in space #617 Gå til artikkelen
podcastEpisode 7 – Fronkey: Just A Nerd On The Trail
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In this episode, Jonathan and Mark chat it up with Trevor Rasmussen, also known as Fronkey on the trail. Discussions about being the first person to winter thru-hike the SHT with a hammock, which is totally type 2 fun, and upcoming trips. Fronkey shares some tips on hammock camping with a dog, how he created his bugnet, and how he uses vapor barriers to backpack in the winter. Finally, Jonathan, Mark, and Fronkey discuss tech that they bring into the field and what works for them. This month, for our April 1 episode, enjoy a tent vs. hammock showdown, and find out who wins this epic battle. Show notes: Fronkey’s Youtube channel – Adventures with Fronkey The famous mountain lion video Here’s where you can find more information about Gaia Maps (for iphone and android) Here is a link to the fronkeysack video (from Sargevining). And here’s a link to our new Patreon campaign: https://www.patreon.com/hyohpodcast Gå til artikkelen -
podcastEpisode 7 – Fronkey: Just A Nerd On The Trail
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In this episode, Jonathan and Mark chat it up with Trevor Rasmussen, also known as Fronkey on the trail. Discussions about being the first person to winter thru-hike the SHT with a hammock, which is totally type 2 fun, and upcoming trips. Fronkey shares some tips on hammock camping with a dog, how he created his bugnet, and how he uses vapor barriers to backpack in the winter. Finally, Jonathan, Mark, and Fronkey discuss tech that they bring into the field and what works for them. This month, for our April 1 episode, enjoy a tent vs. hammock showdown, and find out who wins this epic battle. Show notes: Fronkey’s Youtube channel – Adventures with Fronkey The famous mountain lion video Here’s where you can find more information about Gaia Maps (for iphone and android) Here is a link to the fronkeysack video (from Sargevining). And here’s a link to our new Patreon campaign: https://www.patreon.com/hyohpodcast Gå til artikkelen -
podcastEpisode 6 – RBTR: Enabling DIY’ers Everywhere
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This month Jonathan and Mark chat it up with Kyle from RipstopByTheRoll: hanger, entrepreneur, and supplier of DIY materials. Listen with us as we learn a little about what got Kyle started as the materials source of choice for the Do-It-Yourself’ers who hang from trees, and learn a lot more that you expected about some of the materials that you might use. Make no mistake, this is a short but deep discussion about materials! After discussing their favorite hanging sites, Mark and Jonathan chat about projects funded on kickstarter; Jonathan likes it for new products but you’ll have to listen to the podcast to find out what Mark thinks. Show Notes: We discuss Ripstop By the Roll as having a subforum link in the hammockforums.net website – you can find this subforum here, participation requires a free sign-in on the site. Gå til artikkelen -
podcastEpisode 6 – RBTR: Enabling DIY’ers Everywhere
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This month Jonathan and Mark chat it up with Kyle from RipstopByTheRoll: hanger, entrepreneur, and supplier of DIY materials. Listen with us as we learn a little about what got Kyle started as the materials source of choice for the Do-It-Yourself’ers who hang from trees, and learn a lot more that you expected about some of the materials that you might use. Make no mistake, this is a short but deep discussion about materials! After discussing their favorite hanging sites, Mark and Jonathan chat about projects funded on kickstarter; Jonathan likes it for new products but you’ll have to listen to the podcast to find out what Mark thinks. Show Notes: We discuss Ripstop By the Roll as having a subforum link in the hammockforums.net website – you can find this subforum here, participation requires a free sign-in on the site. Gå til artikkelen -
podcastEpisode 5 – Sintax77: Weekend Adventurer
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This month, Jonathan gets a chance to interview Shawn Crawford, also known as Sintax77, in person while on a business trip in Philadelphia, PA. Jonathan and Mark chat with Shawn about his experiences backpacking, camping, doing videography, and his move from traditional tent camping to hammock camping. Shawn gives some helpful hints on how to prepare for and bring your spouse camping, and we discuss the merits of a top quilt versus using a sleeping bag. You can find Sintax77 here at his website, or else be entertained by checking out his videos here, at his youtube channel. Following onto the interview, Jonathan and Mark discuss the effects of being a “cold sleeper” and a “warm sleeper” on how a hammock camper might choose their gear for winter camping. Gå til artikkelen -
podcastEpisode 5 – Sintax77: Weekend Adventurer
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This month, Jonathan gets a chance to interview Shawn Crawford, also known as Sintax77, in person while on a business trip in Philadelphia, PA. Jonathan and Mark chat with Shawn about his experiences backpacking, camping, doing videography, and his move from traditional tent camping to hammock camping. Shawn gives some helpful hints on how to prepare for and bring your spouse camping, and we discuss the merits of a top quilt versus using a sleeping bag. You can find Sintax77 here at his website, or else be entertained by checking out his videos here, at his youtube channel. Following onto the interview, Jonathan and Mark discuss the effects of being a “cold sleeper” and a “warm sleeper” on how a hammock camper might choose their gear for winter camping. Gå til artikkelen -
podcastEpisode 4 – Derek Hansen: Worth a Thousand Words
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In this episode, we get a chance to interview one of the most notable people in hammock camping, Derek Hansen, the author of The Ultimate Hang: An Illustrated Guide to Hammock Camping. Derek shares a bit about his experience hanging as a boy, and why he has grown from a participant in the community of hammock campers to a leader in introducing people to the activity. Derek also tells us how he feels about testing cheap hammocks, using tree straps, and the future of hammock camping as not only a great way to camp (and sleep), but also as a solution to decreasing our impact on the outdoors. Finally, we get to learn a little more about his upcoming new book, “The Ultimate Hang 2”. You can also learn more about Derek and read many of his reviews or watch his videos at his website, theultimatehang.com. It’s winter in Buffalo, and Jonathan and Mark also talk about some ways they have found to keep warm, and what to do if you feel like you’re getting cold. Gå til artikkelen -
podcastEpisode 4 – Derek Hansen: Worth a Thousand Words
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In this episode, we get a chance to interview one of the most notable people in hammock camping, Derek Hansen, the author of The Ultimate Hang: An Illustrated Guide to Hammock Camping. Derek shares a bit about his experience hanging as a boy, and why he has grown from a participant in the community of hammock campers to a leader in introducing people to the activity. Derek also tells us how he feels about testing cheap hammocks, using tree straps, and the future of hammock camping as not only a great way to camp (and sleep), but also as a solution to decreasing our impact on the outdoors. Finally, we get to learn a little more about his upcoming new book, “The Ultimate Hang 2”. You can also learn more about Derek and read many of his reviews or watch his videos at his website, theultimatehang.com. It’s winter in Buffalo, and Jonathan and Mark also talk about some ways they have found to keep warm, and what to do if you feel like you’re getting cold. Gå til artikkelen -
If you’re looking for a bit more Hammock Bling in your life, Dutch is the guy to see. Mark and Jonathan chat with Dutch a little about his adventures, and about the things that influence his design and products. You can find more about Dutch and his products at http://www.dutchwaregear.com. Also – buy vs. make? Jonathan and Mark visit this common question with a conversation about getting all of your gear in a kit vs. putting together your hammock, tarp, suspension, and insulation as separate parts. Here’s the thread on hammock forums on the tableclothfactory.com DIY hammocks, and here’s a link to Derek Hansen’s video on how to make this into a hammock. For those nerds who want to learn about the whoopie sling being used for arborist work, there are some videos out there. Here’s one that shows an arborist’s whoopie sling in action. Don’t forget to milk your bury’s! Finally, a link to the famous hammock hang calculator, created by Derek Hansen. You can also download and install the calculator for iOS and Android if you have a smartphone from the links on the page. Gå til artikkelen
If you’re looking for a bit more Hammock Bling in your life, Dutch is the guy to see. Mark and Jonathan chat with Dutch a little about his adventures, and about the things that influence his design and products. You can find more about Dutch and his products at http://www.dutchwaregear.com. Also – buy vs. make? Jonathan and Mark visit this common question with a conversation about getting all of your gear in a kit vs. putting together your hammock, tarp, suspension, and insulation as separate parts. Here’s the thread on hammock forums on the tableclothfactory.com DIY hammocks, and here’s a link to Derek Hansen’s video on how to make this into a hammock. For those nerds who want to learn about the whoopie sling being used for arborist work, there are some videos out there. Here’s one that shows an arborist’s whoopie sling in action. Don’t forget to milk your bury’s! Finally, a link to the famous hammock hang calculator, created by Derek Hansen. You can also download and install the calculator for iOS and Android if you have a smartphone from the links on the page. Gå til artikkelen
podcastEpisode 2 – On the right side of the window.
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This episode, Jonathan and Mark get a chance to interview an innovator in this small industry, Tom Hennessy of Hennessy Hammocks. Starting with a military surplus jungle hammock as a boy, and growing up as an avid hiker, Tom found the comfort of hammocks as a youth. After losing his hammock to a “friend” in college and proceeding into an industrial design career, Tom began prototyping a replacement for his long-lost hammock in the early 90’s. After 6 years and dozens of prototypes, he introduced his original camping hammock to REI in 1999, which was an instant hit, selling more than any other individual product ever marketed by REI. As an industrial designer from a time when people continued to make improvements to a product to make it better, Tom continues to tweak his product, finding new and creative ways to solve problems. Additionally, his experiences as an ultralight hiker inspire solutions that solve multiple problems at once, like the “cat cape” poncho rain gear, or the water bottle-filling rain fly tensioners. Additional product design improvements like the side zip hammocks for those who don’t want the bottom entry and the super shelter for keeping warm come from his customers and supporters in the hammockforums.net website. Besides hammocks, which is a second career for Tom, he shares a little about his experiences traveling, sailing, and generally trying to make the world a better place than he found it. Along with a great conversation with Tom Hennessy, Mark and Jonathan talk about their experiences staying warm, and tell a little about what works and what doesn’t for them, including an inflatable pad, the Hennessy SuperShelter, and down underquilts. Gå til artikkelen -
podcastEpisode 2 – On the right side of the window.
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This episode, Jonathan and Mark get a chance to interview an innovator in this small industry, Tom Hennessy of Hennessy Hammocks. Starting with a military surplus jungle hammock as a boy, and growing up as an avid hiker, Tom found the comfort of hammocks as a youth. After losing his hammock to a “friend” in college and proceeding into an industrial design career, Tom began prototyping a replacement for his long-lost hammock in the early 90’s. After 6 years and dozens of prototypes, he introduced his original camping hammock to REI in 1999, which was an instant hit, selling more than any other individual product ever marketed by REI. As an industrial designer from a time when people continued to make improvements to a product to make it better, Tom continues to tweak his product, finding new and creative ways to solve problems. Additionally, his experiences as an ultralight hiker inspire solutions that solve multiple problems at once, like the “cat cape” poncho rain gear, or the water bottle-filling rain fly tensioners. Additional product design improvements like the side zip hammocks for those who don’t want the bottom entry and the super shelter for keeping warm come from his customers and supporters in the hammockforums.net website. Besides hammocks, which is a second career for Tom, he shares a little about his experiences traveling, sailing, and generally trying to make the world a better place than he found it. Along with a great conversation with Tom Hennessy, Mark and Jonathan talk about their experiences staying warm, and tell a little about what works and what doesn’t for them, including an inflatable pad, the Hennessy SuperShelter, and down underquilts. Gå til artikkelen -
Sean “Shug” Emery has been a backpacker and performer for much of his life, and talks in this episode about how these two sides of his life interact, allowing him to contribute to a community of campers and hikers through his publishing of videos on YouTube, including his famous 12 video introduction to hammock series. This contribution has ultimately led Shug to get more pleasure out of hiking, even by himself, than he ever would have before – leading to “reflection moments” – times when he stops and smells the flowers. Knowing that he’s sharing his experiences with a greater audience means that he takes the time to enjoy his experiences more deeply.We all pretty much agree that making and using alcohol stoves is great. Especially those we make for ourselves. Especially when we’ve made way way way too many. Finally, we close out with a reminder to go out into the woods and just hike with your family, especially if you have kids. If you’ve got a 4th grader in the USA, you can get into any national park for free with the “Every Kid in a Park” program from the US Federal Government. Gå til artikkelen
Sean “Shug” Emery has been a backpacker and performer for much of his life, and talks in this episode about how these two sides of his life interact, allowing him to contribute to a community of campers and hikers through his publishing of videos on YouTube, including his famous 12 video introduction to hammock series. This contribution has ultimately led Shug to get more pleasure out of hiking, even by himself, than he ever would have before – leading to “reflection moments” – times when he stops and smells the flowers. Knowing that he’s sharing his experiences with a greater audience means that he takes the time to enjoy his experiences more deeply.We all pretty much agree that making and using alcohol stoves is great. Especially those we make for ourselves. Especially when we’ve made way way way too many. Finally, we close out with a reminder to go out into the woods and just hike with your family, especially if you have kids. If you’ve got a 4th grader in the USA, you can get into any national park for free with the “Every Kid in a Park” program from the US Federal Government. Gå til artikkelen
Where we learn that camping in a hammock involves NOT sleeping on the ground. Meet Mark and Jonathan, a couple of scouters, backpackers and campers who are really excited about hammock camping. You’ll learn about how they got into hammock camping, some of their early experiences, and a little bit about hammocking along the way. Is hammock camping a trend? Jonathan and Mark certainly think so. Seems like every day there’s more people out there hanging from trees. Gå til artikkelen
Where we learn that camping in a hammock involves NOT sleeping on the ground. Meet Mark and Jonathan, a couple of scouters, backpackers and campers who are really excited about hammock camping. You’ll learn about how they got into hammock camping, some of their early experiences, and a little bit about hammocking along the way. Is hammock camping a trend? Jonathan and Mark certainly think so. Seems like every day there’s more people out there hanging from trees. Gå til artikkelen