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  1. This week, we have JC Van Etten, or Catmando. Not only did JC recently win our six-book giveaway, but he was also part of the very tight “tramily” that Togs and Lucky referred to a few weeks ago. I wanted to hear JC’s side of the story and, as I’d anticipated, he brought his own slant to the journey that they all shared. JC retired early from work and hopes to fill his retirement with further adventures, though the Appalachian Trail was the fulfillment of a dream many years in the making. As part of this dream, JC raised money for a charity close to his heart, Paws of War. You can learn more about them at their website, https://pawsofwar.org/contact-florida-chapter on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/PawsofwarFlorida/ and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/pawsofwarflorida/ Kate, or “Phoenix,” has had a tough few days and is pushing on in the heat of Connecticut after a zero in Kent, CT. She’s having to pull on all her reserves of grit and determination as she continues to recover from her ankle injury and the tough terrain. Grandma Gatewood, after summiting Katahdin, had to deal with an inordinate amount of celebrity in the immediate aftermath. As she is going through this, a new plan is forming in her mind….. In this week’s show I also referred to the excellent discussion that Anna Huthmaker had on her latest podcast with El Miller and the issue of hiking while black. It is a thoughtful, insightful look at something I’d never truly considered. You can find it on https://traildamespodcast.libsyn.com/episode-57-el-miller-bear-spray I also mentioned my own fundraiser for hikeforH2o, a charity that helps fund the construction and maintenance of wells in Africa, giving villages access to clean water for the first time. I’m currently 30 miles into my 45 miles-in-a-week challenge. You can still sponsor my effort at https://runsignup.com/MightyBlue If you like what we’re doing on the Hiking Radio Network, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. The donate button is on the Mighty Blue podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Any support is gratefully received. Music for the “A Woman of a Certain Age” segment is by permission of Kate’s friend, John Jensen. You can see and hear it in full on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlP7g7qivo4 Thanks, John. The post Episode #224 – JC Van Etten (Catmando) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  2. I think that this is the longest show we’ve ever had!! Our main guests are Eric and Jessica Matos, or Toast and Jammz. They were introduced to me by Jester, from the Jester Section Hiker podcast and they have a strong hiking resume. We talk about both their hiking and their passion for leave no trace and sustainable use of wilderness places. Toast shares a few stories about their first hike together as a couple and how, when they were on the John Muir Trail, an idea for their business came to them. They have an inspiring message and vision for a time that needs businesses like theirs. If you’d like to learn more about Toast and Jammz (and, of course, Jelly Belly), check out https://evergreenadventurefoods.com/ and follow them on social media at https://www.instagram.com/evergreen_adventurefoods/ and https://www.facebook.com/evergreenadventurefoods Phoenix, our Woman of a Certain Age, is dying to get out of New York. Her ankle still bothers her, but she’s soldiering on. Late this evening (Wednesday, Jun 17) I heard from her as she passed 400 miles. Cori Strathmeyer wanted to share news of a charity that is helping three African countries to get clean water. Hikers can help in this effort, either by signing up to walk yourself or sponsoring me as I take on a challenge. I highly commend this cause to you. Go to https://www.hikeforh2o.org/ to sign up. Grandma Gatewood summits Katahdin and the writer, Ben Montgomery, wanted to follow in her footsteps. Listen as he follows in the path of this trail-blazing woman. If you like what we’re doing on the Hiking Radio Network, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. The donate button is on the Mighty Blue podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Any support is gratefully received. Music for the “A Woman of a Certain Age” segment is by permission of Kate’s friend, John Jensen. You can see and hear it in full on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlP7g7qivo4 Thanks, John. The post Episode #223 – Eric and Jessica Matos (Toast and Jammz) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  3. It’s an all-woman show today, with Marissa Neel, the Executioner, as our main guest. She has a very funny, brutally honest YouTube channel, and is exactly the same person in our conversation. Marissa shares plenty of witty insights and a stoic determination to get to the end. The story of her last night camping on the AT is a visceral example of what it can be like out there. I could relate on so many levels. Her YouTube channel is not to be missed, so click here. https://www.youtube.com/user/mkneel2/videos Kate is now moving through New Jersey and past the 300-mile mark. The ankle still hurts, but she continues to push north. Below, she is with her current hiking partner, Luna, at the top of Culver Tower. I mention the open position at the Devil’s Backbone Brewery as Chief Hiking Officer in my comments in the show. If you’d like to apply, check it out at this link. https://www.dbbrewingcompany.com/cho/ Finally, Grandma Gatewood reaches Baxter State Park. If you like what we’re doing on the Hiking Radio Network, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. The donate button is on the Mighty Blue podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Any support is gratefully received. Music for the “A Woman of a Certain Age” segment is by permission of Kate’s friend, John Jensen. You can see and hear it in full on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlP7g7qivo4 Thanks, John. The post Episode #222 – Marissa Neel (The Executioner) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  4. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Podkasten Uteliv på Nettbutikk Besøk Kristin Folsland Olsen her: Nettside Instagram Kjøp boka om Lofoten her Gå til Podcasten
  5. Carolyn Walker and Gordon Yhap are now thru-hikers. When you hear their story, you may well wonder “How did they do it?” This conversation should shake up any pre-conceived ideas you may have about what it takes to hike the trail successfully. Gordon and Carolyn are an inspiration. Carolyn kept an online journal while on the trail, so if you’d like to follow along with their hike, click here. http://mytripjournal.com/carolynwalker . She also did a guest post in the Trek once she finished https://thetrek.co/appalachian-trail/not-hiking-harder-than-hiking/ Kate Stillwell is still pushing north in our “Woman of a Certain Age” segment and has made it out of the dreaded state of PA. We also have the second part of Chapter 14 from Grandma Gatewood’s Walk If you like what we’re doing on the Hiking Radio Network, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. The donate button is on the Mighty Blue podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Any support is gratefully received. Music for the “A Woman of a Certain Age” segment is by permission of Kate’s friend, John Jensen. You can see and hear it in full on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlP7g7qivo4 Thanks, John. The post Episode #221 – Carolyn Walker and Gordon Yhap (Lucky 59 and Pepperpot) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  6. This month, a chat with Adam Lemon from Battle Horse Knives. Enjoy! Shownotes: – Battle Horse Knives (website) – Battle Horse Knives (facebook) – Battle Horse Knives Round Table (facebook group) Gå til artikkelen
  7. This month, a chat with Adam Lemon from Battle Horse Knives. Enjoy! Shownotes: – Battle Horse Knives (website) – Battle Horse Knives (facebook) – Battle Horse Knives Round Table (facebook group) Gå til artikkelen
  8. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på Nettbutikk Kjøp boka Nordisk Fluefiske etter laks hos Cappelen Damm Gå til Podcasten
  9. We’re not so focused on the AT this week, with Luke “Strider” Jordan taking on some of the wilder American trails. His first thru-hike was the 4600 mile North Country Trail, and he became the Earl Schaffer of the Great Plains Trail when he completed the very first thru-hike of that new trail. On the way, he learned what worked and what didn’t. He shares some fascinating insights in his conversation with Steve You can connect with Strider and find out more about these trails at the following links. Strider’s NCT Hike website: http://stridernct.com/Home_Page.php Strider’s Travel Facebook https://www.facebook.com/StriderNCT/ Strider’s Book “Thru And Back Again…”, available on amazon https://www.amazon.com/Thru-Back-Again-Journey-Country/dp/0692880909 For information about the North Country Trail visit: https://northcountrytrail.org/ For information about the Great Plains Trail visit: https://www.greatplainstrail.org/ Kate Stillwell, or Phoenix, has stopped in town for the first time, mainly to resolve a blister issue. She and Steve chat twice as she continues her steady progress. Grandma Gatewood’s Walk is a little truncated this week, with only the first part of Chapter 14. The second part of the chapter will be next week. If you like what we’re doing on the Hiking Radio Network, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. The donate button is on the Mighty Blue podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Any support is gratefully received. Music for the “A Woman of a Certain Age” segment is by permission of Kate’s friend, John Jensen. You can see and hear it in full on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlP7g7qivo4 Thanks, John. The post Episode #220 Luke Jordan (Strider) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  10. This week’s guests met as members of the Class of 2019–my year, even though we never met–and they have been together pretty much ever since. Natalie and Grady both left a little earlier than I did and had a terrific tramily. It was Catmando, one of their tramily and a listener to the show, who pointed me in their direction. Natalie and Grady’s story brings out the diversity of opportunity on the trail and each reflects upon how lucky they were not only to meet one another but that they chose 2019 and not 2020 for their trip. Natalie has a beautiful AT video which she did entirely in verse, so check that out here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyh80NSnma8&t=206s Kate Stillwell, in defiance of ATC directives, keeps moving forward and is already over 100 miles into her hike. We caught up on Tuesday. After chatting with Kate, I received an email from ATC who clarified their continued guidance about trail closures. I read this email on the show for the benefit of listeners. Finally, Grandma Gatewood’s ordeal is over. No, not her hike, her marriage. If you like what we’re doing on the Hiking Radio Network, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. The donate button is on the Mighty Blue podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Any support is gratefully received. Music for the “A Woman of a Certain Age” segment is by permission of Kate’s friend, John Jensen. You can see and hear it in full on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlP7g7qivo4 Thanks, John. The post Episode #219 – Natalie Wood and Grady Thompson (Togs and Lucky) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  11. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på Nettbutikk Besøk Lars Erik Sira her: Nettside Gå til Podcasten
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  12. We’ve got another terrific show today, with Bobby O’Donnell, a listener, providing our main conversation. Bobby and I discuss a pivotal moment in his life that led him to marathons on seven continents and, in 2018, the Appalachian Trail. His story has moments of sadness, disaster, and triumph, all of which he drew on during his hike. A paramedic, Bobby has been working during this crisis, and his personal experiences have shaped his response to adversity. You can connect with Bobby on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/runningwildbook/ He is on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/runwildbook His website is https://www.runningwildbook.com/ Kate Stillwell, our Woman of a Certain Age, has decided what she wants to do with her intended thru-hike this year. She shares that decision with Steve. Grandma Gatewood’s growing fame has reached the pages of Sports Illustrated and she burnishes her superwoman credentials by her stoic approach to the swollen rivers in the north. If you like what we’re doing on the Hiking Radio Network, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. The donate button is on the Mighty Blue podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Any support is gratefully received. Music for the “A Woman of a Certain Age” segment is by permission of Kate’s friend, John Jensen. You can see and hear it in full on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlP7g7qivo4 Thanks, John. The post Episode #218 – Bobby O’Donnell (Handyman) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  13. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Besøk Kristin Folsland Olsen her: Nettside Instagram Gå til Podcasten
  14. This week, we have a book theme in the show, with a giveaway of six signed books. The principal guest is Sarah Jones Decker, or Harvest, who thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2008, but that wasn’t the primary reason that we have Sarah as a guest. She has photographed and written about all the AT shelters in a beautiful book that evokes all the memories we share at those often rundown places. You can connect with Sarah and buy a signed copy of her book at https://www.sarahjonesdecker.com/ Sarah’s question as part of our six-book giveaway contest is: What is the largest non-hut shelter on the AT? Bruce Matson also came back to the show to talk about the three books that he has written since his thru-hike. You can find his books on Amazon at this link. https://amzn.to/3ccmmrU Bruce’s question is: In which town do participants in the Curly Maple Pizza Challenge purchase the beer and pizza necessary to complete the challenge? I’ve added my two signed books about my 2014 thru-hike and my question is: What shelter has the highest elevation on the trail? Answer ALL THREE questions correctly, email your answers to me at [email protected], and you’ll be entered into a draw for ALL SIX signed books. Best of luck. Finally today, Grandma Gatewood faces a storm in both her personal and hiking lives. She also teaches us a lesson that was being learned the hard way, for some, in the 1950s. If you like what we’re doing on the Hiking Radio Network, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. The donate button is on the Mighty Blue podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Any support is gratefully received. The post Episode #217 – Sarah Jones Decker (Harvest) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  15. This month I chat with Derek Tillotson from Haven Tents. Enjoy! Shownotes: – Haven Tents [website] – Haven Tents [facebook] – Haven Tent Adventure [youtube] News Stories mentioned in the podcast: – ABC News [website] – KSL News [website] Gå til artikkelen
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