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Om willem

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  1. Hi all, thanks for your comments! Yep, I had already fallen in love with the Norwegian scenery before, but this was just... astonishing. Very interesting to link all these mountain areas and see the landscape gradually change and open up while the seasons were shifting. Takk Norge!
  2. Hi all, Last summer I hiked and packrafted from Lindesnes to Nordkinn. It was the best trip I had so far, and I compressed my 121 days on the trail into this video of 3 minutes: For those of you interested in a trip report, keep an eye on my blog: http://transscandinavia.wordpress.com Kind regards, Willem (Belgium)
  3. Hi, I'll send some post packages containing food and alcohol for my stove in advance to Adneram and Haukeliseter. If there is too much snow, I will change my route a bit to the east. Ah, the webcam at Haukeliseter... have been watching it a lot the last few days
  4. Hi all, I'm starting a hiking & packrafting adventure across Scandinavia (Lindesnes-Nordkinn) this weekend - and should finish it in late september. Maybe some of you will be interested to follow a bit on http://transscandinavia.wordpress.com Curious how much snow will be on the Setesdalsheiane and Hardangervidda! Cheers, Willem
  5. Yes, I know the Senorge website, but I was wondering how serious the river crossings are and which summer bridges will or won't be up yet. Going later is not really an option as I have to be back at work on the 1st of october.
  6. Hi all, This summer I'll try to hike and packraft my personal version of the Norge pa langs. I'll start in Lindesness 2nd of june, which means I'll be at the Setesdalsheiane and Hardangervidda plateaus mid-june (expected: Haukeliseter 15 june; Finse 22 june). At the moment, there is more snow than the norm for mid-april and I'm a bit anxious about river crossing. I guess the summer bridges are not up yet at this time of the year? What will be the critical points? Should I be prepared to swim some crossings? This will be my route: Knaben - Kvinen - Adneram - Taumevatn - Heibergtunet - Kringlevatn - Vassdalstjorn - Krossvatn - Mostol - Bleskestadmoen - Holmavatnhytta - Haukeliseter - Hellevassbu - Litlos - Torehytten - Viveli - Liseth - Finsehytta (E of Hardangerjokulen). It's on an overview map here: http://transscandina...es-tyinplan.jpg Thanks a lot! Willem http://transscandinavia.wordpress.com
  7. Hi, Starting july 6th, I'll be making a ten-day hike on the Hardangervidda with a friend. We're 18 and 19 years old and from Belgium, it will be our first hike in Norway. As our previewed tour of 10 days (with tent) is a bit too long to take food for the whole period with us, we were wondering how the food supplies in the huts are. We'll probably need breakfast (muesli, ...) and "dinner" (chocolat, trekking kekse, nuts, ...) for about 5-6 days. Can we find this stuff in the huts? And what about the prices? (we'll probably pass the huts of finse, rembesdalseter, hedlo, hadlaskard, bessa, litlos, torahytten and stavali) Thanks !
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