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Alt skrevet av mikonou

  1. Thank you! So we have successfully completed our hike, but our route was a little bit different from what we'd asked initially. Two rivers we crossed appeared to be quite difficult to ford, but it was good experience. Takk for hjelpen!
  2. Thank you very much for reply and information. There is another small question to your trip report: Did you go from Lora such this ?
  3. Hello everyone! We're travellers who are going to hike through the Reinheimen Nationalpark next August. Currently we're gathering information about region and need your advice. Would you be so kind as to help us? Here is blueprint for our route: 1. Is it possible to pass from Torsbu to Lom like this? ...attached file map1.jpg... 2. What about crossing rivers at Skarvedalsbu – Sveinsbu interval? 3. Does the path Grotli–Grønnvassbue–Naushornet (there is dotted line on the old map, but there isnt now) well-passable? ...attached file map2.jpg... Maybe you have some other useful remarks about our route. We'll really appreciate all your help.
  4. about bus from Oppdal to Lønset: You mean http://www.rutebok.no/nriiisstatictables/tables/ruter/t/23-580.htm or there are another routes?
  5. Thank you a lot for answers and the last question (I hope ) What about hitch-hiking to Gjevilvasshytta?
  6. Thank you t0bbEn 1. May be anyone khow taxi price? 2. Is there name of th shop, I wonder to know does it work on Saturday and find it open hour?
  7. Hallo We are going to track in Trollheim and in this case I have some questions: 1. About taxi Oppdal - Gjevilvasshytta. Where we can find taxi in Oppdal (near train station) and How much it cost? 2. Where in Oppdal we can buy cans for gas stove (for example http://static.norwichcamping.co.uk.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/uploads/product-images/c/o/coleman-500.jpg) ? Thank you very much for answers.
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