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Om fabian79

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  1. We will take non-wax skiis with the so called crown technology. Those are more common here. We will definitely bring our gaiters. Thats important! I tried to find out how good the connection for mobile phones is in Jotunheimen. I guess it´s not the best... Am I right?
  2. We will bring 2 stoves. One is the MSR XGK EX. This is our better stove. I wouldn´t use it with with normal petrol from the petrol station to keep it clen. The 2nd is an older Primus Varifuel that I used several times with petrol from the petrol station. To use miljøbensin 4-stroke is a very good advice. We will try to buy miljøbensin in Oslo! We ordered our skiing gear at www.globetrotter.de. It might the most popular equiper in Germany. We decided to take Fischer E99 skis Rottefella bindings, Alfa Skarvet boots and Colltex skins...
  3. Very good info again I wrote to Tyinstolen get to know if the cabin is open. We changed our plans about equiment. We are going to buy backcountry skiequipent at home. As we found out it is bit chaeper here. Last year we rent all the stuff in Sweden and renting again is almost like buying Hopefully we will go for some more trips in the future. I have one more question: Do you know where we can get liquid fuel for our stove? Oslo Sportslager would be a good option. But we will arrive at oslo late in the evening and plan to take the bus at 8:30 am. Do you know if we can buy fuel in Tyin or - if there is no other chance - in Fondsbu? Regards Fabian
  4. The way that we will take will be marked from 16.02. That makes things much easier. Only the way from Tyin to Fondsbu will be unmarked during the time of our tour. But orientation shouldn´t be a big problem because we will follow the road at lake tyin or go across the lake. Do you know if Tyinstølen Turisthytte will be open on February 23 and is it a private or DNT cabin? We found different information about Tyinstølen so we are not sure. Thanks again!
  5. Hi again, thanks for your answers and the links you posted. In the meantime we made more detailed plans. As it is difficult to get to Gjendesheim we will start from Tyin (bus from Oslo). We plan the following route: Tyin - Tyinstolen - Fondsbu - Olavsbu - (maybe a daytrip from Olavsbu) - Gjndebu - Fondsbu - back to Tyin by weasle. Does anyone know the route at winter time and can share experience? Is it a problem to do it with pulk and how do you rate the danger of avalanches on the way? Thanks for the warnings. We know about the dangers on such a tour. Thats why we want get as many information in advance as we can get! Fabian
  6. Hi everyone, I found this forum while searching for information for a skiing trip that is planed for end of February. As we do not speak Norwegean I sadly have to write in English or German... It is not easy to find sufficient information about skitours in Nowegian mountains on German websites. I guess this forum is the reight place to learn more Our idea is to go for a skiing trip of 4 to 5 days. Earliest possible day to start is February 16 th. But we definitely have to be back home till March 02. As I found out the difficulty is to find a marked route with open cabins (staffed or unstaffed) during this time. So far we would prefer to go to Jotunheimen because we love the landscapes of high mountain areas! Another idea is Rondane Nationalpark. We already bougt hiking maps for Jotunheimen. As we found out, the routes between Fondsbu, Olavsbu and Gjendebu will be marked from February 16th. Therefore we started collecting information about this area. But sadly it is only a 3 days trip - if everything works well. Another option could be to start at Gjendesheim from where we could get to Gjendebu by crossing the lake. But in this case would would have to cross the lake twice (there and back). What do you think about the succested tour? Do you have any alternative suggestion? We would prefer to stay in cabins and follow a marked route that is avalanche save! Nonetheless we will also bring our tent (if we feel like camping and as an emergency shelter) and would also follow unmarked routes if they are easy to find even under bad conditions. Another issue is that we have to reach the starting point by public transportation. We planed to book flights till Oslo. To let you know about our experiences and equipment: We are experienced in outdoor sports as crosscountry skiing, mountaineering, trekking and climbing. Last year we did our 1st backcountry skitour with pulka in northern Sweden (Kungsleden from Abisko to Nikkaluokta). It was a trip of 8 days and around 120 km in total. The difficulty of this trip was perfect for us. We are more or less full equiped (2 pulkas, stormproof tent, very good sleepingbags down to -30 °C...) but we need to rent (or buy used) skiing equipment. Any idea about prices for rental? Lots of questions, I know... Any comment is welcome!!! Thanks a lot in advance! Fabian
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