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Om EspenJannick

  • Bursdag 13. mai 1986

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  • Interests
    Fishing, outdoors, hiking, gear freak, knives, cooking on a campfire, woodcraft, hunting, travel, lover of norway
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  1. I have, 2 bivibags, from Carinthia Goretex This mini tents have very little living space, so in bad weather a tarp over it. This is the "Observer" For little more "luxury"
  2. I have backpacks from Lowe Alpine, the Sarcen 130L in the OD and DPM and the Lowe Alpine Sting 80L in black and DPM. are the backpacks of the Dutch army.
  3. I have the, dd frontline hammock, very good stuff! Whith a Thermarest sleepingmat, have you good isolation in cold weather.
  4. I have the DD 3x3 tarp, and a dutch amy poncho for backup
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