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  1. Hallo from Germany and the Alps 2 Years ago I do a normal wintertrip to the Rondane nationalpark. At that time I fall in love with some of the walls there. And now I wanna to go back at february next year to climb there. The problem is to get informations about the possibilities of winterclimbs (mixed and ice) in this area, I found only informations about iceclimbing in Rijukan. But I am interested in classic north faces, and a little bit in iceclimbing but more in walls. Do you know some trip reports from people who climbed there? Exists any literature about climbing in Rondane( sommer or winter is equal). Or do anybody winterclimbing by himself there? At the moment I am not really sure whats possible because I read that the stone is really fragile. I have no idea how fragile (I climb often fragile rock, and in winter its all frozen, but all write its really, really fragile sandstone). Except the north face on Rondslottet I don’t find good pictures of the walls till now. So if anybody know where I can find good pictures of walls it would be nice. Or the name of local climbers would be very helpful too. Ah I am most interested in the area around the Rondvatnet lake. If anybody can help me a little bit it would be so nice. Grettings Jesko
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